Quebec Fishing Reports
Cold & Hotnovembre 10, 2024
A half day trip today saw me hooking up at 10:00 as the weather was looking better by mid-day. It was quite cold in the morning along with a big NW wind, so sunshine was going to be our friend. I had a big group of four and decided to go where the numbers were, once again. Alfred, Sandrou, Marcos & Soufiane were excited to get started so we wasted no time getting the boat wet. I just hoped that the fish would be active!
Multiple spots were hit in the 4 hours on the water and everyone of them produced fish. Plenty of numbers were caught and a few of them were better than average bass. Sandrou definitely caught the most today but the others had their chances as well. This 4-hour trip was a gift from Alfred’s wife as a birthday present and a great one to be shared with his friends and family. Overall, they couldn’t have asked for a better day on the water for November! It may have been cold out, but the fishing was hot and that’s all that counts!!
Incredible Solo Daynovembre 8, 2024
Mike joined me today for another slugfest of smallmouth bass! He spent it flying solo and caught a good number of these brown beauties. Although mostly small to medium again, he single handedly managed double digits many times over. He even landed one of the largest pike this fall. Oh yeah, almost a muskie too! This thing ate his dropshot weight at the boat and literally splashed him when it took to the air. This was after it bit off a crankbait boatside as well! In fact, we had to relocate from this area due to the toothy critter shutting down the bass bite entirely.
Some smaller fish were landed once again on the second spot, causing us to move around even more. I was on the quest for big smallies but we were on numbers instead. Everywhere we went Mike landed fish, but he had a tough time breaking the 3-pound size. Our final location saw us holding for over an hour and he bumped up the numbers once again. I don’t know how many fish he landed today, but it was insane for only one person. Add to this the number of missed strikes and lost fish, and who knows what it could have been.
Despite everything today, Mike had probably one of the most incredible days on the water. It was so good that he’s even considering another trip before this season ends. Mother Nature will have the final say on that matter with the weather changing quickly. Hopefully it won’t end too soon, as the bite will only get better in the coming weeks. Too many fish, too little time!!
Never Give Upnovembre 7, 2024
Today was an exceptionally windy one and another road trip was necessary, in order to be able to fish. Scott was celebrating his birthday and brought along Chris and Ian for their annual fall outing. We would be braving the giant winds and hopefully the fish would cooperate. It was going to be a challenge getting these guys into fish!
I made a long run to our first spot and realized that the winds were blowing right down the pipes when we arrived. We spot locked with the electric motor and seemed to be managing alright, despite the big howl. A combination of current and wind had the electric motor working overtime! This wouldn’t be good for the batteries!
In the first 90 minutes or so, everyone managed to get several fish. Although not the size I expected to see, there was plenty of action. It had the makings of a high number’s day! About two hours into the morning, I realized that the electric motor wasn’t holding us as good as it should. I was draining the batteries quickly and needed to figure something out. I decided to throw an anchor to aid the motor, to be able to fish the entire day. It was a little awkward, but at least we would conserve the batteries some, as the motor had been working at max the entire time we were here.
The action continued for most of the morning, but we had changed locations a couple of times. I had switched to a drift in slightly calmer water and they boated many more fish. Multiple passes over deeper areas saw bass coming aboard frequently, but they were all the same size. Quantity was the name of the game today!
It had actually felt like the winds had dropped somewhat and I decided to hit an area that I wanted to fish, earlier in the day. Upon arrival I realized that it was just an illusion and was right back in the heavy current and winds. Another option was tried and with the aid of the small engine, I was able to reduce the battery drain even more. Although, not the first time I had done this, it was the first time this year! We held much better in the current and were able to fish where we wanted by using both motors.
With time getting on, I decided to return to the first spot we had fished in hopes of more action. Apparently, it was the right decision as it didn’t take long to get into the fish. Many more bass were caught from here by everyone and Chris even managed to get one of the big ones that we had been searching for. It was definitely, big fish of the day!
We had all agreed to make one final move to an area out of the wind, to finish off the day. We drifted along a deeper ledge holding more bass and they boated quite a few more. In fact, Scott managed to catch at least one on every pass! They had landed great numbers today and had plenty of action from the start. The end was no different either as they went out with a bang!
Today was a perfect example of never giving up. I had to make many adjustments in order to be able to fish. Despite the big winds from Mother Nature, a little fine tuning got the job done. In the end, we were able to effectively fish the areas I wanted and the let the results speak for themselves! Just another day in paradise!!
November Comfortnovembre 6, 2024
Rich was back with me again today and this time brought Xavier along as well. They were hoping to get into some big smallies and I knew just the place. After the last couple of outings. I was also excited to return and hopefully it would be as good this time around!
The weather was unseasonably warm once again, with temps expected to reach into the 70’s. Not the norm for November weather, but definitely welcomed! We began in an area that was loaded with fish, but they just didn’t seem to want to bite. Although I was marking them, they refused all of our offerings until Rich manage to persuade a small one on a dropshot. At least we had the skunk out of the boat!
After seeing all the fish in a negative mode, I decided to cover more water. We moved along and Xavier finally managed to get bit. This was the first big one but also quite lean. I was used to seeing fat footballs and this wasn’t one of them. We kept at it and started getting bit more often now, with Rich and Xavier boating more fish. Very few small ones were caught and although the bite was slower than expected, the size wasn’t. These fish were mostly all quality!
With daylight savings time upon us now, I was cutting it shorter today. I would be leaving an hour earlier just to be able to get home and park in the light. I had my work cut out for me as I wanted more big fish! Our last couple of hours saw just that, with plenty of good fish caught by both.
Today was a bit slower than expected but the weather more than made up for the fishing. It may have been slow at times but the bites were usually big fish. We worked hard for each and every fish caught and were rewarded with quality. We’ll take quality over quantity, any day of the week!!
Fall Heatwavenovembre 1, 2024
Last day of the month and we had to take another road trip, just to be able to fish. Craig & Herm were here for their second day and I decided to hit another body of water, in hopes of some big bass. The weather was expected to be unseasonably warm again, with even stronger winds. Hopefully, we would still be able to fish!
Upon arriving at our first spot, I realized that the conditions were definitely doable. Craig & Herm began casting and it didn’t take long before they were hit. Too bad they lost several, before landing the first bass though. These fish were short striking the baits and I believe Craig actually missed his first six before keeping one pinned. Things eventually picked up and more fish were being caught than lost. Although not all big, they sure acted like they were. These things were all fat & healthy! Pics were only taken of the largest fish caught and that honor went to Herm today. For some reason he was being rewarded with the heavyweights!
After covering plenty of water all morning, with great results, I decided to try a few other places, in bigger winds. The gusts had increased by afternoon and apparently the activity level from the fish did as well. In fact, one of the areas was just loaded and Craig beat on them pretty good. Herm also caught a bunch too and their numbers kept climbing! He however was getting the bigger ones and did right until the very end. By the time we were done, they ended it with another fish. In fact, they left them biting!
Today was another great fall fishing day, just loaded with action. They were bit from the start, right up until the last cast of the day. Everything in between was just icing on the cake! High numbers of big fish were caught and even the average ones were quality. The weather was a real bonus as well with temps in the mid 70’s. The last day of October definitely went out with a bang! Hopefully the weather will remain nice for a few more weeks as this could be the year that allows me to fish right into December. I’m crossing my fingers, as there’s Still plenty of great fishing ahead!!