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Blazing Heatwave

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

September 4th 2018


I had the day off today so Christiane & I headed on the water for a few hours of fishing. We wanted walleye for dinner and needed to get a couple of small keepers to eat. It wasn’t going to be easy with the blazing sunshine and flat calm conditions, but we’d give it a try!

Our first flat produced a couple of bites but we ended up with only a perch to show for our efforts. Our second spot was a little more productive as we were able to put a couple of nice walleye in the livewell for our dinner tonight. Along with those fish were two other overs that we released.

We had only been on the water for a couple of hours and were frying in the heat, but decided to give one last spot a try. This time it would be for smallies and hopefully it would produce.

We managed to catch a few good ones on soft plastics in the short time we remained, but the heat took us out quickly. I didn’t have to be here and neither did Christiane! We packed up and headed in to cooler temps and the pool.

Although today may have been cut short, we still accomplished what we had set out to do by bringing dinner home. I am fortunate to have access to fresh fish pretty much whenever I want. This is probably why I rarely eat it frozen. I always say, frozen fish is for friends & family. I only eat the fresh stuff!!

Storm Front Fishing

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

September 3rd 2018


Allen & I almost cancelled the trip today due to the weather forecast, but decided to try for a half day instead. He brought along his two sons, Matt & Alex and to our surprise, the weather cooperated. Who would have thought that the weathermen could be wrong?

They were wanting to fish for bass so I headed to an area that had been holding only big ones lately. When I arrived I noticed that the water was quite a bit off colored and not gin clear like the previous days. Yesterdays heavy rain and winds had muddied it up and I wasn’t sure what to expect!

With all three throwing soft plastics, they covered the area pretty thoroughly. Unfortunately nobody had a bite! I made three casts with the same bits and immediately set into a big bass. Too bad it didn’t stay pinned but at least it was a sign that they were still here! We fished for about 30 minutes longer with only a few more missed strikes, then moved on.

I made a short run to another area nearby but only one fish managed to make it to the boat. With time restrictions from a half day, I didn’t stay long and jumped to another spot hoping for better results.

Allen & Matt doubled up on their first casts and I thought they were going to pound on them afterwards. To my surprise, they were the only fish hooked in the area again! We remained here for another 30 minutes or so but didn’t manage another strike.

Our next stop was an open water shoal that I was sure would produce better results. Within minutes after arriving, Matt was once again tight lined to a really good bass. It was nice to finally see some quality on the end of their lines! I shot a few pics before he released his catch and they resumed fishing.

Allen had missed a couple of strikes and eventually broke off on one of his hook sets, leading me to believe that a toothy critter might be in the area. I normally don’t see pike here but you never know! Alex also missed a few strikes and came in with balled up baits from reacting too quickly. Matt on the other hand eventually got crushed and hooked up on a huge smallie. When I saw it take to the air, I realized just how big it was and quickly went for the net. It put up one hell of a fight before he was able to land the bass. Several good pics were taken before the release again.

After another 30 minutes with only missed fish, I decided to move to one last area to try and get Alex into a few fish. He was the only one not having landed a thing and I needed to change that fast! This place didn’t meet up to my expectations but he did finally hook into a few and landed one before we left. Although not big, it did get the skunk off his back for the day!

We had noticed that the weather was pretty dark in many areas of the lake, but we were still in sunshine. A quick check on the radar confirmed that we were safe and I headed to an open water spot to show them how to drop shot. I was hoping to get them a bunch more fish before we had to leave!

As soon as I arrived, I quickly set up their rods and gave a quick demonstration with a cast. Almost on cue, I reeled up on a heavy fish and passed the rod to Alex to land. I went for the net and was shocked to see that it was gone when I returned! Oh well, still a good sign that there were fish here!

With each drift over this flat, several bites were had. Unfortunately almost every one was either missed or lost along the way to the boat. Matt did manage to land a small walleye though, that fell off in the net as soon as I reached for it. His father also caught a high end keeper that he returned after a couple of pics. I’m not really sure why so many fish were being missed but the weather may have had something to do with it. Storms were all around us and thunder was being heard as well. It was just a matter of time before the electricity would be seen!

We had stayed out longer with the tough fishing but were about to call it a day. One last unproductive drift and we were done! It was 12:30 and we had seen an entire morning without any rain. It was time to go!

They may not have caught as many fish as I would have liked to see, but they definitely had their fair share of chances. Matt also landed one of the largest bass this season and definitely his personal best! Factor in the nice weather and we actually had a pretty good day on the water! I’m sure glad neither of us had listened to the weather forecast as they definitely screwed up once again! Hats off to them for another perfectly accurate prediction!!

Inactive Fishing

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

September 2nd 2018


Michael & Rachel were with me this morning, hoping to catch a few fish. We began drop shotting in a couple of different areas, without any success. Although the fish were marking, they didn’t seem to want to feed! On our next spot, they had the same results! I decided to make a big move and hit a much shallower area in hopes of putting them on some active fish.

They were throwing soft plastics in shallower water looking for feeding fish. It wasn’t on fire but Rachel did manage to land a couple of quality smallies that crushed the baits. I only wish that Michael had been as lucky, but all he had was a blow up 3 feet from the boat.

Time was passing by quickly and I needed to get them into some fish and fast! When all else fails, go trolling! This is exactly what I did and after another long run, I set the lines searching for the fish.

It didn’t take 5 minutes before Michael was into the first pike and at least he was finally on the board. It had been a long morning, but the time had passed quickly. We were not only nearing the end but a storm front was also coning towards us. I made the best of the troll and they managed to get several other pike before we had to go. Ironically these fish didn’t seem to want to feed either as we had more short strikes than actual bites. Very strange with the weather we had coming!

In the end, we pulled the plug a little after 11:00 and headed back to take out. I knew we were going to enter the storm full on but if we stayed, it would only be worse. I was right, when we got about half way back and hit a wall of water! Fortunately the winds didn’t kick up as the rain was at least coming down straight!

This may not have been the kind of day I was accustomed to seeing but we made it work in the end. By changing up, they were able to land some decent fish and finished with some pike. I would have liked to get off the water before the rain began but as usual, Mother Nature always has the last say in these matters. A little wet but I’ve seen worse!!

First Time Fishing

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

September 1st 2018


Patrick was with me this afternoon, along with his wife and their two kids. Ella & Louka had never been fishing before and looked forward to catching just about anything. I planned on making it happen!

We headed out before 11:30 and I went straight to where I knew the trolling bite would be best. Within minutes Louka was tight to his first northern, but it wouldn’t be his last! His sister, Ella was up next and soon after landing the first fish, she too had her turn. Unfortunately it came off on the way to the boat, but I wasn’t worried. She would have many other chances throughout the day!

I covered plenty of water as usual but found the fish really scattered today. The conditions weren’t helping either as we had flat calm, with a sun & cloud mix. These fish just didn’t seem to want to move! Despite the lack of aggression, I still managed to find enough fish to keep everyone happy. Both Ella and Louka landed their share of fish throughout the afternoon and their parents even got to reel a couple of them in too!

They were going to cut the day a little short and wanted to finish up about 3:00. With limited time remaining, I lucked out when I got into an area that had multiple reels fire in a short period of time. We ended with a flurry as the kids got to reel in a few more fish each, before we were done.

The lake was like a mirror on our way back so I decided to have Ella help me with the driving. All kids like to be behind the wheel and she was no different! After taking her turn, I allowed Louka to do the same and switched them up on the fly. Other than a few boat waves in places, the lake was about as calm as it could get.

I’m not sure which part of the day the kids preferred but driving the boat was definitely up there. They had both landed a good number of pike and finished with a bang. Sitting behind the wheel with me was just an added treat for them. I think they will all remember this day for a while, or at least until they come back out with me again, as there was already talk of it before we were done! Either way, the memories from their first day of fishing ever will be etched on their minds for a long time, as well as the pile of pictures and videos their parents shot while we were out. Great day with an even greater bunch of people!

Short Sturgeon Day

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais Américain. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language.

August 30th 2018

Allen & his son Kevin joined me today for a little sturgeon fishing. With strong winds out of the NE, I knew it would be a challenge. Waves were rolling, with the current & wind direction opposite and it felt more like a tide. Anchoring up was going to be a challenge!
I searched the area we were to fish briefly and had to use the drift sock to secure our direction after dropping the anchor. The wind was actually pushing the boat upstream otherwise! Once positioned, I set all the lines and gave a brief explanation on what to expect. We were ready!
After 30 minutes or so without a bite, I pulled up and moved around in search of fish once again. This time however, it took much longer before I was able to locate them. Round two with the anchor and sock and the lines were in. When we did finally get a few bites, they weren’t what we were after but rather those pesky goby minnows. They were eating our baits like piranhas! Although we did get an actual bite, it turned out to be an eel and not what I really wanted to see! Time to move again!
I idled around plenty this time before I settled on an area that looked promising enough to drop down. It didn’t take long before Allen got bit and set into the real deal. He was about to do battle with something much larger! It was at that moment that I realized, I had forgotten the net. I was going to have to land his fish the old way, with a glove. I only hoped it wasn’t one of the monsters!
After a few minutes fighting the fish, I finally saw what he was hooked up on and relief was had. It was definitely manageable with only a glove! Minutes later, I grabbed it by the tail and passed it off for Allen to hold. It was not a giant but it was his personal best and worthy of a few pics before the release.
The entire morning wasn’t easy with the wind opposite the current and holding the rods was the only way to fish. There were several missed bites and a couple more eels brought to boatside and released. I had also thought that we were going to be at it all day, but it was cut short when Allen decided to call it instead. We were pulling the plug on the fishing and heading off the water before noon!
Despite the short day in difficult conditions, we still succeeded in landing our targeted species. Along with a few unexpected guests too! I’m sure that if we had of remained out, we would have been able to get into several more sturgeon. Oh well, the fish had a break today! I will be back out again soon searching for more giants in the coming days and with any luck, succeed! I can’t wait for more!!