Pêche guidée
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It had been a couple of years since Cory & Mike were with me, but they were back today! We were going to have a windless, scorcher of a day and I knew they were going to catch fish. I planned on fishing deeper and slower with the flat calm and started right away with a dropshot. Hopefully it would all work out!

Without any movement on the water, I was forced to use the electric motor, to move the boat along for our drifts. Immediately they were both into fish and it didn’t stop. Bass & walleye were coming aboard and a few of the Walters were even in the slot. They were hoping to take some home and now, had several in the box.

The start to the day was great, both for fishing and especially the weather. We had overcast skies and weren’t dying of heat, yet! The clouds were blocking out the sunshine and it felt great! Too bad it wasn’t going to last!

Our first couple of spots produced well, with high numbers of fish coming aboard. When things began to slow, I shifted gears and went even deeper to an area I hadn’t fished this year. It was time to check it out and I was glad I did! Here, they boated many more walleye along with a few bass and one big pike. Oh yeah, the perch were like piranhas too!

It seemed like everywhere we went today the fish were biting. At least until the sun came out and slowed everything down. I moved around to a few more spots and picked at the fish for the remainder of the day, but it was tough. We weren’t disappointed to finish, as it felt like 100 degrees on the water. Zero wind, high humidity and blazing sun just drained all of us and after a few more fish, I called it a day. We had managed to last until 4:00 and I was amazed that we did.

Today was a great one filled with plenty of laughs and memories from past trips and this one will also be added to the long list of successes. They had caught loads of fish and even had some to go home with for their dinners tonight. Who could ask for anything more!!

Pêche guidée
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