Pêche guidée
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Pierre had fished against me in many tournaments in the past, but today we were sharing the same boat. He booked a day out, several weeks back and was looking to get into a bunch of fish. I knew he wouldn’t be disappointed!

We headed on the water early in a strong SE wind that was supposed to increase throughout the day. Fortunately, we were going to the south side and at least would be able to fish. We would deal with the big waves later!

With reels in, we began the troll and it didn’t take long before the first one fired. He landed a good keeper walleye and it went into the livewell immediately. Hopefully we would be able to add a few more too!

The morning went by fast with so many fish coming aboard. He was able to put two more good fish in the livewell while all the others were too big and released. One of them was even a huge 28-inch fish and the biggest one he had caught in quite some time! Along with all the walleye, there were also plenty of pike landed and released, without any pics taken.

We decided to move on to bass and spent the afternoon targeting them. Shallow rock flats and soft plastics were used to land plenty of these and a few of them were quality sized ones too! I even caught a few and one huge drum, while fishing the same areas for bass!

We had fished several areas throughout the afternoon and finished on the most productive one. After landing a few more bass, we called it a day. I knew the run back would be a rough one and packed everything down for the ride. It wasn’t until we were about half way back that it got really bad and the last half mile or so was the worse. The winds were blowing from the south and 3-foot rollers were the norm. The boat handled the waves fine but unfortunately one of the big waves caused the passenger seat to come down harder than usual and the smooth moves base let go. It actually broke somehow when it bottomed out. Looks like I’ll be contacting the company soon!

Today was a great day, right up until the end with the seat issue. It was like a blast from the past having Pierre on the boat. For many years we had competed against each other in bass tournaments and today we just relaxed. Lots of laughs and plenty of fish made the day go by quickly and before we knew it, we were parting ways. Hopefully we’ll do this again soon and enjoy another day reminiscing about old times and catching many more fish of course. This was definitely a great day for fishing!!

Pêche guidée
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