Pêche guidée
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Remy and his sister Aude were with me this morning from France and looking to catch just about anything. Pike & walleye were on the menu, so to speak and they definitely got into them. In just about 2 minutes after the lines were in, the first reel fired. Although I expected it to be fast & furious, it was surprisingly slow afterwards. Longer periods than usual fell between bites causing me to relocate to another area of the lake, sooner than expected. We did manage several more fish of both species before I made the move though!

After a long run, the same thing happened! It took about 1 minute to fire off the first reel and a good northern was soon beside the boat. I had decided to hand land it and unfortunately a spiral roll had the fish cutting the line with its teeth. Oh well, there goes 10 bucks!

I covered plenty of water in this area and managed to pick at the fish, but still with long periods between them. The 65-degree water temps may have had something to do with the lethargic nature of these fish and slower than usual trolls were required to get bit. They were fortunate enough to have live welled a couple of nice eyes however and would be enjoying a great meal tonight!

With a half day scheduled, I stuck it out until the last minute as Aude brought to net the final fish of their trip. We definitely ended on a high note and headed back after the release. Their time on the water was done and it was definitely a memorable one too! The numbers may not have been the usual, but plenty of fish were still landed in the end. A great day was had by all on this beautiful morning!!

Pêche guidée
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