Pêche guidée
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Bob was flying solo today and spending the afternoon targeting smallies with me. A later arrival had me heading out earlier. I wanted to check some new areas before his arrival at 10:30 and managed to find good fish. Some of the walleye went into the box, but most of the fish were released. Hopefully I left plenty for later in the day!

Right on time, Bob & I headed out and made a long to a second-choice spot. My primary area had a boat on it all morning and apparently, they weren’t leaving anytime soon! This guy had seen me fishing in the middle of nowhere a while back and now acted like he owned it. I just wish people could find fish on their own instead of squatting on places they’ve seen other people fishing! This is the reason why I gave up tournament fishing!

Our run up the lake saw me finally stopping on another offshore area that at least wasn’t occupied, for now! I set Bob up with a dropshot and pointed him in the right direction. It didn’t take long before he was into the first fish and it was a dandy! He had limited experience with walleye but this one was a nice over and worthy of a few pics. The next couple of hours saw many more bass coming in the boat of all sizes along with several smaller eyes. Plenty of fish were also missed but more were landed before we changed areas. I tried shallower with some soft plastics and despite several bites, only managed a couple of small bass. Time to relocate!

The winds were starting to pick up and dark clouds were all around looking like storms were brewing. I decided to head to where I had fished earlier in the morning and see if we could get a few more bites before quitting. It was definitely the right choice as there were several bass and walleye landed before we were done. In fact, Bob managed to get his personal best in both! We ended on a high with his largest walleye of the day.

Strong E/SE winds were going to make the boat ramp a little rough, as they were blowing right in. The run back to it was also a little bumpy, but definitely doable compared to what I’ve seen lately. This day was a success overall as Bob got to learn a new technique and landed plenty of fish. I’m sure he’ll be using it again, on his own too! I may not have gotten to fish where I had originally wanted, but by having knowledge of the entire water, we were still able to find plenty of fish. Great day for fishing!!

Pêche guidée
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