Pêche guidée
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Alexandre was my guest today, along with his entire family. Stephanie, his wife and their two children, Alex & Mathieu, were in for a treat. There was finally a good chop on the water and the fish were going to bite! Or at least I hoped so!

We began on a spot for bass, that lasted until almost noon! I had thought that we would fish there for an hour or two but the fish were way too plentiful. Everyone landed bass of all sizes and Alex managed to get the biggest one from this spot. Stephanie, on the other hand, seemed like all she could catch were big ones. Every time she hooked up, they were large! I was on good fish and wasn’t about to move, any time soon!

We covered the area thoroughly and they kept catching one bass after the other. Sometimes even two at a time, with doubles! Stephanie even caught a nice walleye, that unfortunately was way too big to keep! We even had a run in with a toothy critter that wanted one of the bass as his lunch! This place was on fire today! In fact, that lunge came back a while later when it ate a lure that Alexandre was using!

We had remained in this area for way longer than I had expected, but I never leave fish to find fish! This place had active bass and we milked it until the end, before moving on. I wanted to hit many areas today, but would have to skip a few, due to the time we had spent fishing this one.

We made a long run to another place in hopes of similar results. Unfortunately, the fish were limited and smaller! It didn’t take me long to pull the plug and head to another spot to fish. This one too wasn’t holding many fish, but at least they were bigger! After spending about 45 minutes in the area, I made a big change and moved on. We were going dropshotting in deeper water to finish off the day.

I made a quick stop in open water, but soon realized that it wasn’t fishable. With the wind we had, there were tons of floating weeds, making it impossible to keep the lines clean. I had to go to plan B instead!

This next area had been putting out some keeper walleye lately and I hoped to get them a few for dinner tonight. It didn’t take long before all 4 of them were into fish, but the walleye weren’t keepers. In the mix were also a couple of bass that I thought were decent keepers before they took to the air. Multiple drifts were made over the area from different lines and more fish were caught. I hit a few other places with similar results and the bass were biting on all of them. To say we ended with a bang would have been an understatement. Both Stephanie and Alex managed to bring a couple of quality bass in the boat on the last couple of drifts, ending a perfect day of fishing!

Alexandre and his family experienced the best day of bass fishing they had ever seen, today! High numbers of big fish were caught by everyone and the weather finally cooperated. We had a good chop from the wind and the temperatures were even bearable for a change! I couldn’t have asked for anything more. Well, maybe less floaters, I guess! Overall, it was an excellent day to fish!!

Pêche guidée
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