Pêche guidée
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Today was a little different than the last couple, with more fish being seen than caught. I don’t know how many bass we saw that didn’t want to eat, but it was a lot. They were tight to nests and not willing to take a fly in most of the places we fished. Some of them were real giants too! Despite the painful attempt at getting them to bite, it was still nice to see this many big bass.

After a morning of running all over the water looking for active fish, we decided to ty for largies in the afternoon. This too proved almost the same if it weren’t for a few aggressive smallies. On the outside of the shallower water, I actually found several fish that wanted to bite and Dave managed to get into a bunch of quality bass. This was where we were to end the day on a high note!

To say this was a tough day would have been an understatement! If it weren’t for seeing all the fish everywhere we went, I would have thought there were no fish at all. The season is quite late this year for bass spawning and it shows! Water temps are still not where they should be causing the fish to a little messed up. Hopefully tomorrow we will end this 4-day trip with a bang like it began. If not, they’ll go out swinging. Flies of course!!

Pêche guidée
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