Pêche guidée
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The day began very similar to the last three with a few fish being caught on the first spot. Several other follows and no takers had us moving quickly to another area to fish. The second place didn’t produce a fish but we definitely saw them swimming around. I will be glad when they are done spawning so that I can get back to normal fishing!

With each move it produced similar results of a fish here and there but not the numbers I had hoped for. Both Dave’s worked hard for the ones they caught and every fish was appreciated. We hit as many spots as time would allow and picked at them all day long before finally ending the day. The last place we fished had so many followers, that it was discouraging! I was glad to see at least one bass caught before we were done.

This 4-day trip was challenging to say the least. Ironically the first day was the best with the balance being a struggle, but quality fish were caught each day. It’s always tougher on the fly, even when you have perfect conditions like we did! Better days to come!!

Pêche guidée
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