Pêche guidée
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Eric, Caroline & Michel joined me today for another fishing trip. We were going to be starting out for sturgeon and switching over to bass & walleye after we were done. Hopefully it would all work out!

With practically zero wind I set up the rods and readied everything, looking for a quick bite. We were searching for another monster after the last outing and I knew they were around. The conditions were absolutely perfect and it was easy to watch the rods without any movement.

Our first bite may not have been the giant I wanted but Eric did manage to bring in his very first sturgeon. With not much fight on the heavy tackle I easily netted his fish, with the small net! It was a cute little juvenile and sent back on its way after a few pics.

We waited quite a while for our next bite and made a few moves in order to get it. The nibbles we had prior were causing me to constantly check & re bait the lines. This time however, it was not a goby! Michel was passed the rod and he reeled in a little tougher fighting fish. Although not the one I wanted, it at least put up a much better battle. He held it for a few more pics and tossed it back to grow.

I had told everyone that Caroline was going to be the one to fight a giant and a little later, it happened. I finally saw the bounce that I wanted and set into some quality weight. I knew this was going to be the right one and passed it off to her. All she could do was hang on!

After instructing her on how to hold the rod she began the long battle. It made a few good runs and peeled plenty of line from the reel on each one. I could see that the line was starting to rise and told everyone to look back as it was about to jump. Now she really knew what she was into!

The fight lasted for over 10 minutes with the fish staying on the bottom for most of the battle. At one point I thought she was gaining but it went into a crazy roll and tangled itself all up in the line. Now she was reeling in dead weight on the surface. As it neared the boat it went ballistic once again and untangled, sending it into another leap. This fish just didn’t want to give up! Eventually however I was able to get it in the net and Caroline was relieved that it was all over. Or was it! Now she was going to have to hold it for the pictures!

There was absolutely no way that she was going to be able to lift the fish so I gave her a little help. Soon after it was torpedoed back to where it belonged. I reset the lines hoping for another big one but it wasn’t going to happen today. Despite catching a couple of bass and perch the only thing other than these that bit were gobies. It was officially time to move on!

We spent the remaining time fishing for mostly bass and everyone caught a bunch. We even had a couple of double headers that were almost triples. Michel was having a hard time keeping his fish pinned but after losing over a half dozen, he finally began landing them. We jumped around to several spots and finished off with a few more walleye & bass from Eric in the final area. I was having a hard time with boat control here as the winds began to blow pretty good out of the SE. We made several passes but not all perfectly where the fish were holding. I eventually ran out of time and headed in!

Once again today was an overall success with everyone catching a sturgeon and Caroline leaving with bragging rights. The bass fishing was great as well and everyone learned a new technique. They had been dropshotting to catch all of their fish and there were plenty. Eric even left with a couple of nice walleye for his dinner too! This was definitely a great day for fishing!

Pêche guidée
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