Pêche guidée
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Chris & Gino were on board this morning for a half day trip. They were hoping to catch a few fish and I knew just where to go. Yesterday’s trip had me rethinking some of my old spots and we were headed there to give it a try. With any luck they would all produce!

A slight change in plans had me going to another area when I noticed a boat fishing exactly where I was headed. It didn’t matter as I was sure the fish would be there too!

It took a little longer than I had expected for anyone to hook into the first bass of the day, but not for lack of trying. Chris had missed 4 or 5 fish but Gino hadn’t even gotten one hit as of yet. This soon changed when he finally got bit! His first bite turned into a hook up and this fish was soon fighting all the way to the net. One hit, one landed bass! He even rebounded with another soon after that had him going two for two. Chris finally got on the board as well with his first fish of the day and things were finally turning around.

We had spent some time in this area and only managed a couple of good bass, but there were a lot more missed opportunities. It was time for a move and I headed to where I wanted to start, now that the boat was gone. Hopefully they left us some fish!

This area saw both of them throwing soft plastics and not long after, Chris set into another quality bass. It was beginning to pick up as he brought this one in as well. It was tough for me to see exactly what I was searching for with the haze and big chop on the water from the west winds. I’m sure we missed a bunch of the area due to this but they still managed to get several other hits. We even landed one by hand while trying to untangle a messed up line that developed on Gino’s rod!

I moved around to several other spots and some of them produced a few more fish. They may not have been the calibre I was looking for but they were the right species! With time passing quickly I decided to try one more area on our way back in hopes of finishing with a bang.

Right down to the wire, both guys managed one last bass each and we were done! It had been a bit of a grind today with the fish being mostly inactive where we fished but it all worked out in the end. Chris & Gino may be better known for handling a football with the Alouettes, but today they caught a different kind of football. These ones may not pay much but they sure were fun to catch!

Pêche guidée
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