Pêche guidée
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After a couple of days of cancellations due to the weather, I was back on the water once again. Collin and his parents Lu & Yin fished with me today for another high numbers outing. Loads of pike, walleye and bass were caught, along with a surprise bowfin.

We started out by trolling and they all managed to get their fair share of fish, but it was Collin that seemed to get the biggest in every species. He was the one that did battle with the beaver fish as well giving him a nice grand slam for the trip.

By afternoon the winds had died off from the NE blow that we had all morning and I decided to switch up techniques. We were going drop shotting!

I made my way out to deeper water and instructed them on what to do. It didn’t take long before Lu managed to land back to back bass as the others just watched. Eventually however, they all got in the game and each drift yielded more & more fish.

A combination of both smallies and walleye were brought to net in the remaining hours we fished the area. Plenty of fish were also lost that would have made for an insane afternoon of fishing.

With started by trolling in a NE wind and ended it off drop shotting in almost flat calm conditions. By changing it up when needed, I was able to keep them on fish all day. A combination of bass, walleye and pike were continuously landed with the bonus Bowfin from Collin too. Just another day at the office!

Pêche guidée
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