Pêche guidée
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Ryan & David joined me this afternoon for a half day trip. We started at 1:00 and were scheduled to fish until 5:00 pm due to their morning meetings. We were also targeting musky in hopes of hooking into something large as they didn’t really want to fish for sturgeon. Hopefully we would get it done!

We spent most of the time in one area, trolling over a good number of marks, but only managed 3 short strikes. It seemed like these fish just didn’t really want to bite! Even with several lure changes and depth adjustments, I still couldn’t get them to go. There were also plenty of smaller fish showing, making me think that they had an all you can eat buffet down there and possibly the reason for the lack of interest. Most of the other marks looked like walleye so I decided to pull the plug on the troll and try drop shotting for those fish.

After another 30 minutes of missed strikes and only one perch to show for our efforts, I decided to relocate in hopes of salvaging the trip. We were off to another area further away and with any luck, a few more fish in the last hour of the day.

It didn’t take long for both of them to hook up on a double but it was David that managed to bring his fish aboard. It turned out that this was his personal best walleye and a few pics were taken before the release. Ryan on the other hand dropped his fish before we could even see what he had on the line. Shortly after, David managed to catch a decent smallie and I thought things were looking up! Too bad that was it for this area and another move was had!

The next spot only had missed fish once again and despite our efforts, nothing was landed. I decided to try one last attempt at getting them into fish and switched it up to trolling crank baits along the edge. Just like before however, only missed fish were had. In fact a few were actually on but came off before they could reach the boat signifying the type of day we were having! In the end, we just ran out of time and decided to call it a day.

Today was definitely the slowest fishing I have had this season and despite our attempts at putting fish in the boat, they just didn’t want to eat. They both had a number of bites that were light, but almost all of them never really got hooked. The biggest disappointment was definitely the musky as they were doing what they do best, being hateful! I was glad to see some fish caught, but would have loved to fish a whole day instead of just a few hours. I might have been able to move around more and find some active fish with a little more time. Tough day overall but David & Ryan still had a good time, away from work and in the outdoors, fishing!

Pêche guidée
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