Pêche guidée
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Rick and Danny were back out with me again today, but this time we relocated to a different body of water. The winds were big and out of the east, not allowing us to fish the one we had been on. We would be searching for smallies and I hoped to find them!

Danny was the first to hook up but it wasn’t exactly the calibre of bass that I had hoped for. We quickly changed areas and techniques, but the results were almost the same. Eventually I made the right adjustment however and Danny boated the largest fish of the day. Rick also managed to get into a really big bass too and I was finally on what looked like the right pattern!

The winds were a big deterrent and I was also on a time limit, with them wanting to be on the road by 1:00. It felt like I was pre fishing for a tournament on the very last day!

I made several more moves when the action slowed down but only picked at the bass in each spot. Although a good number of them were quality, there weren’t the high numbers that I thought we should have caught and I kept searching. The last couple of places had a little more action as Danny managed to get a bunch of hits with what he was casting.

The time had gone by so fast today and before we knew it, we were heading back to take out. I wish that I had more time to refine the fishing, but at least they had both landed some nice bass. I will be back out again soon and with any luck, into more big fish again! With fall presently upon us, this is officially big fish time and I aim to get as many as I can before the freeze up. Open dates are still available for anyone looking to experience the best fishing time of the year! Big everything in the weeks to come!

Pêche guidée
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