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October 28th 2019


Yesterday was a wash with the wind & rain, but today I was back out fishing with my wife. Christiane had taken the day off from work & we were going for sturgeon! With only a few days left in the season, I wanted to see if we could catch some more beasts!

There was no need for an early start with all the fog, so I waited and headed out later. We were closer to 10:00 when we left the dock and set up before 10:30. I had seen some signs of life on the bottom and decided to stop over some smaller fish. About three minutes after getting the second line in, we had our first bite and Christiane was doing battle with a decent fish to start her day. Although not a giant, it was still a good one and it fought great! About 5 minutes later it was in the net and after a few quick pics, released too.

I held in the same area and about 10 minutes or so, had another take and set into her second fish of the morning. It was about the same size as her first but went a little insane, jumping a total of three times. It was definitely a lot more energetic with the aerials and fought like a champ. Too bad it wasn’t a giant! As with the first one, we took a few more pics and sent it back to the depths where it had come from. I always love watching them go back to the bottom on the sonar!

After another 15 minutes or so without a bite, I made a small move and was rewarded with more action. We had been set up for about 10 minutes when the third bite came and I passed the rod off after locking her up. This one was a larger fish by the feel of it and gave her a great battle. Just like the last one, this fish also took to the air before making blistering runs on the bottom. Ten minutes later it was in the net and awaiting the photo shoot.

I reset the lines after releasing her fish and 15 minutes later we had another bite. This too was on the medium side and took about 5 minutes to land. We had only been on the water for a little over an hour and already boated four fish! I hoped the remainder of the day would follow in suit too!

I had made a couple of unsuccessful moves and finally settled in an area where I saw bigger fish marking. I wanted to get her into something much larger and hoped this would be the spot. We were now after noon and also took a break in order to eat lunch while the lines soaked. Christiane finished her sandwich, but I was still eating mine when I noticed a little twitch on one of the rods and set into heavy weight. This was the one I had been looking for!

The battle lasted over 15 minutes giving me plenty of time to eat my lunch and watch the show. Although it didn’t jump, it did beat her up with plenty of long runs on the bottom. I could tell by the way it was acting that she was finally into a quality fish. Eventually she managed to get it off the bottom and was able to bring it to net. It was a long fish but didn’t have the girth needed to be a true giant. It was a male and pretty big regardless!

The pics were a little tough as Christiane had a hard time holding her fish. I had to settle for a sit down shot with the fish resting on her lap and even that was tough. It may not have been fat but it was still really heavy and I shot several pics, fast. I even had to release the fish as the long battle had just exhausted her strength.

We remained in this area for a while longer but only managed one more small fish. With time remaining I decided to make a few more moves but they too were unsuccessful. I eventually packed it in and called the day around 3:00. We had spent about 4 hours or so fishing and managed to get into a bunch of fish. Although not all giants, there were some quality sturgeon boated today. Christiane had taken a day off and enjoyed one of the last possible days remaining, for sturgeon this year. With the conditions forecasted for the remaining few days, I’m not sure if I will even get back out again. Hopefully the weather will be wrong, allowing me a last shot at these dinosaurs one more time. I’m just crossing my fingers, that it will happen!

Pêche guidée
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