Pêche guidée
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Dave & his son Mathieu were joined by Joe & his son Gabriel this morning, hoping for some fish action. Ironically I opted to drop shot at the start as the winds were supposed to pick up later in the morning.

Although I only made a few drifts, there were plenty of fish being marked! In fact Gabriel landed the first one and it was a nice young musky. Dave & Joe also brought to net a couple of walleye with one of them going into the livewell for Dave tonight.

With the winds having picked up earlier than expected, I decided to head elsewhere to troll. This would at least give me some control over the areas I wanted to fish.

The lines were set and we began to cover plenty of water. There were many fish landed by all in the couple of hours we trolled. For most of the morning trip, we concentrated on this area, boating pike after pike. Although there were no more walleye caught, there was still plenty of action for all to enjoy!

With only a short time remaining, I thought we’d try the first place again, but the big winds made it really tough to feel the lines. Mathieu managed to catch the only fish from here and I thought it was going to be a big walleye. To my surprise, it turned out to be the best pike of the day!

We packed up shortly after and headed back to the dock. I had an afternoon trip scheduled with another client and needed to be there to meet him.

One group left the boat and Masa hopped in. Talk about lightening the load! He was looking to catch primarily bass and I thought I’d make a long run to an area I hoped would be somewhat sheltered from the winds. The ride there was a little bumpy with the winds blowing 15 to 20 knots out of the west but once we arrived, I saw that we were in a much calmer place to fish.

We began somewhat shallow and although Masa managed to get a few bites, the action wasn’t what I had expected. I moved around a bit and even tried drop shotting slightly deeper water. He hadn’t tried this before and was happy to see how it was done! I needed to fish in order to keep the lined vertical and between the two of us, a few fish were caught. The bite was strange and unfortunately there were more lost than there were landed! He did however understand the technique and hopefully be able to use it again on his own.

I wanted to find somewhere that was holding active fish and thought I would try another shallow area nearby. This was obviously the right choice as he hooked up on his very first cast! I figured that there were going to be plenty more so I anchored up with the electric motor to see if I was right!

For practically the remainder of the day, we held on this one spot and Masa hooked into a bunch more quality bass. I even managed to make a few casts and did the same! He was finally experiencing the type of fishing I wanted him to have and loving every fish he caught.

Eventually the well went dry and we could no longer get bit! Time to move on to another place and try again!

I made a few more stops along the way back and each one was pretty slow. There were only a few more bites had but only one fish came in the boat. By 4:00 we were done!

Both trips today had their ups and downs but overall they were quite successful. Plenty of good fish were landed throughout. All fish targeted were caught and there was even a bonus one thrown in early in the morning! I’m back out again tomorrow with another double and with any luck, the action will be an even better. Cool nights are bringing the water temps down now and hopefully triggering the fall bite. Only time will tell as the best is yet to come!

Pêche guidée
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