Pêche guidée
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An afternoon booking saw me hooking up with Lesley & his wife Sandy, along with their grandchildren, Rafi & Mila. We headed out in very overcast skies with rain on the way. I would definitely be needing to raise the roof today!

Our first spot was holding plenty of fish but for some reason, they just didn’t want to eat. We drifted over schools of walleye and barely picked at them. Switching baits didn’t matter either, as they were tight lipped and a dead stick approach was the only way to catch them. I even anchored up on them with the electric and fished vertically over the concentrations, only to come up with very few takers.

Although I had remained longer than I really wanted in the area, Mother Nature had a big part in me staying. It had been raining pretty heavy for a while and the skies were terrible where I wanted to run to. We literally waited out the worst before making the big move!

Once there was a break in the weather I headed over to another area to troll in hopes that the kids would at least get into more action.

It didn’t take long before one of the rods bent and Rafi reeled in the first fish of his life. It was a nice northern and he was all smiles once it was in the net. He posed for a few pics but struggled to hold it up for us. Mila was up next but when the rod bent again she only had the fish on briefly before it was gone. They were biting very light and I had to reduce the speed to trigger them into hitting better!

The next reel actually fired and she finally landed her first fish as well. Although slightly smaller than her brother’s, it was still a nice one and worthy of a pic. Too bad it wiggled and she wanted no part of that! Back it went and we resumed our troll again!

Several more fish were landed until the sun actually came out and ironically, it shut them right down. We never had another bite afterwards and ran out of time for the day. Thank god we made the move and got them into some fish!

This was a rather slow fishing day with all the bad weather we had, but they made the best of it and still enjoyed themselves regardless. I prefer to have more action when kids are in the boat and was happy to have at least got them into several pike. Unfortunately the walleye were tight lipped as that would have been the best for them to have caught. In the end, they caught fish and there were smiling faces all around!

Pêche guidée
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