Pêche guidée
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Although I was on the water almost every day this week, today I had the pleasure of having Ronnie & his wife out. They were in from Texas and looking to catch some walleye. After yesterday’s recon outing, I knew just where to go!

We started at 11:30 for a half day afternoon trip and within minutes they were fishing. I was also marking plenty of what they were hoping to catch. I held with the electric over schools of walleye in deep water. By drop shotting they were able to catch a limit and returned a bunch of others as well. Multiple moves to find the fish each time they relocated proved to be the most effective. I would have loved to drift over the schools and cover water but the big winds out of the SE didn’t allow me the luxury. It was rough and going to get a whole lot bigger as we were about to find out!

Along with the walleye there were also a few perch and smallmouth bass caught before the anchor feature on the electric became useless. Some of the waves were now rolling over the bow and the motor spent more time in the air than actually in the water. I would need to change the presentation completely if they were to have a chance at catching any more fish!

With the boat sideways, I made several short drifts crossways over the small area without any success. I still marked fish, but our speed was quicker than I wanted and missed fish were had. After about 8 fishless drifts. We were done! I packed everything away and strapped everything down for the run back. It wasn’t going to be pretty!

By riding the waves in the troughs and crests, we literally surfed our way back to the take out area. Unfortunately it was blowing directly on the ramp and it was big! To my surprise however, Bruce was on shore waiting for my return. He called me and backed the trailer in, for me to take out. This definitely made a difficult situation a little easier! Other than a little splashing, we were safely out of the water in no time!

It’s that time of year again when Mother Nature plays cruel tricks on us by delivering nasty weather. The big winds definitely make for some tough fishing! Today was proof as we found out. Prior to it kicking up, fish were being caught. Once we couldn’t hold, not another fish was landed. I only wish we had been able to get out earlier to take advantage of the morning bite.

Overall they both had a great time regardless and still managed to take a limit of good keepers back to where they were staying. I guess fish is on the menu for the next couple of days. It sure beats dining out in expensive restaurants every night!

Pêche guidée
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