Pêche guidée
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Larry & Dylan were back with me this afternoon, for a few hours of fishing. Conditions weren’t great but I was going to try & put them on fish! Big waves and tons of floating mossy like weeds would make it impossible to troll, forcing us to cast. Even at that, just standing in the boat with all the waves wasn’t easy!

First cast Larry got to reel in a decent smallie but it’s never good to catch on your first cast, as we would soon see. Dylan on the other hand managed to bring a couple of keeper eyes into the boat that they would be sampling at dinner tonight! He also missed several other bites, indicating that the fish were here. After about 30 minutes or more, I had to pull the plug on the area due to how difficult it was to fish. Between boat traffic and the wind, it was a roller coaster out there!

We fished a couple of other areas casting soft plastics, but had only missed fish from one of them. Time to return to the floating weeds and give it another try!

We spent the remainder of our time drop shotting the open water shoals and it was tough. Just keeping the lines in the water proved to be the hardest as there were so many weeds drifting in the water columns, that it was almost impossible to keep the baits clean.

Christiane was also with us and thankfully she managed to put a third walleye in the livewell for them this evening. In the end, we stumbled onto an area that had everyone hooking up, but most of the fish were small and had to be released. The last 30 minutes were the most productive and it was a shame to have to leave! They had multiple chances and were able to get about 50% of their bites.

The last few trips have been a challenge to say the least but with any luck the lake will clean up some in the coming days. Plenty of fish are around if only I could keep the lines clean! I may just have to jump lakes soon if things don’t change or start hitting new water, searching for other places to fish.

Having Larry & his grandson Dylan out again this year was great but the few hours that they were able to fish were way too short! Hopefully the next time we will have better conditions and a longer time to pound on the fish like so many times before. Either way, it was still great to fish with them again and I look forward to having him back, soon! Hopefully when the sturgeon bite is going strong!

Pêche guidée
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