Pêche guidée
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Well Monday came and unfortunately it also came with the wrath of Mother Nature. She blew the lake up giant making for tough fishing, but Dan & I stuck it out until the end. We still managed to catch some nice ones, but the deep water smallmouth fishing was cut short when we just couldn’t continue to vertically fish in the open lake!

Today was a better day with Rick & his wife Penny as we trolled almost the entire time out. Plenty of big northerns were landed by both under the comfort of the roof. A light SW wind kept the bugs away for most part and the shade made it quite comfortable to fish. There was no need to do anything else, as pike were the primary choice of fish to catch. We did manage to get a couple of other species though, with bass & walleye coming aboard as well. Overall it was just a relaxing day of fishing!

Pêche guidée
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