Pêche guidée
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November 4th 2018


Well, finally a break in the weather today and it really showed! I think everyone that owned a boat was out. Darren may have picked a nice day but the fishing was going to be tough with all this traffic. Sort of like a tournament, I guess!

We started early with the clock change last night and were on the water before 7:30. In the first half hour we remained shallow and picked several good fish before the boats started to arrive, After that, we moved out slightly to escape them and drop shotting came into play. Numbers of good fish were taken but we had to slow down considerably, in order to get bit. There were boats all around us and I didn’t even want to use the net, as it would have attracted attention.

As the morning started to warm, the wind also started to lay down, making it much more comfortable. Lately the weather had been so uncomfortable that I could see why there were so many people on the water today! Who could blame them, it was the weekend!

The whole day saw me fishing defensively and trying to slow down with everyone around. The other boats seemed like they were in tournament mode and fished through pretty quickly. By taking our time, we were able to monopolize on the big fish that were in the area. In fact, Darren managed to land a giant that made this all worthwhile! There were plenty of really good ones boated but this one was in a class all by itself!

With the afternoon upon us, I decided to try a different technique and a totally new area to fish. Well it didn’t take long to see that this also worked as plenty more huge bass came aboard! We may not have been catching tons but the quality was insane! Darren even managed to bring to net another giant that would have equalled or bettered the one he landed this morning. I was limited to the areas I wanted to fish due to all the boats and made the best of the situation by slowing down and trying new places. It was an absolute zoo out there! Fortunately we managed to stay away and fish our own water.

We were to be leaving earlier today due to the new time change and hit one more area before we were to head home. Back to drop shotting again and we managed to land another half dozen good smallies as well as a couple of walleye. In fact, we ended the day with a double!

I was pretty sure that the good weather would bring out more fishermen today but wasn’t expecting the numbers we saw. At one point I counted at least 15 other boats and I’m sure there were even more! Despite all the pressure Darren still managed to catch plenty of quality bass and a few real giants as well. We were only there for big fish and big fish we caught! This was definitely a great day, regardless that we weren’t able to fish more than one or two places that I wanted. Hopefully the weather won’t be as nice the next time out and there’ll be much less traffic on the water. Better days to come, I hope!!

Pêche guidée
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