Pêche guidée
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October 5th 2018


Hassan, Julien & Joe wanted bass today so we did a road trip instead of the usual, local fishing. I was hoping to get them into some big ones and thought we’d try another body of water. Would this be the right decision?

We met up about 8:00 and headed to the launch to begin their day. Moments later we were on our way to the first spot in a pretty good NE wind. I started shallow with blades in hopes of a few active fish, but soon realized this was not the way to go. I had hooked into the only bass trying to clear a tangle on one of the reels and decided to move deeper instead. They would be working the bottom now and with any luck, getting into a few fish!

Despite missing many strikes, Joe finally landed a nice smallie on a drop shot rig. Hassan unfortunately kept missing all kinds of hits but at least he was having action! Julien wasn’t as fortunate as he hadn’t felt a nibble yet and was working the same area. At least he wasn’t missing fish I guess!

I had them casting up current and bringing the baits back to the boat while anchored up with the electric motor. I would have usually drifted the area with the current but the winds were pushing us upstream. I had no other choice but to have them fish it this way! In one little area Hassan managed to hook many fish with one of them being a beautiful over walleye. The gold colors may have been the nicest I’ve seen all year! A few quick pics and she was right back where she belonged!

I eventually moved to another area and had them drifting baits in the current and apparently this was the right choice again. now they were all hooking fish and they were big! Hassan was into a fish on almost every cast for a while and some of them were even coming to net. Joe had gotten the ball rolling with a small bass but Hassan soon took over, putting on a clinic! All that was left was Julien to get his first fish!

We had been fishing the area for a while now, and by repositioning the boat at different angles I was able to keep them on the fish. So much so that Julien was finally able to hook into a really good one and get it into the net. The skunk was officially gone for him! He wasted no time getting into his second fish either when he hooked into a giant on his very next cast. This one was to be the largest of the day and I had to remove the anchor on the electric for him to land it. Not only was it the largest, but it was also his personal best. He had just landed back to back smallies that were both picture worthy and broken his previous record. It just doesn’t get any better!

For the remainder of the day I jumped around trying several areas but always had to settle on where to fish. There were so many boats out that it was tough to stop on any of the places I wanted. At one point while fishing an area, we even had a boat go between us and the shore that we were casting to. They fished it right through, the entire time they were moving too! Absolutely unbelievable! It didn’t seem to matter to the fish however as Hassan was back, putting on another clinic again. The other two also had a few fish as well before we called it a day and headed back.

Although we may have had a slow start due to the weather changes, it worked out in the end. The air temps had gone from almost 80 degrees yesterday to barely 50 today. Throw in a good N/E wind and fall was definitely here! Regardless of the cold temps, the fishing was hot in the end. Everyone had landed some good fish and as usual, Hassan had put a beating on them too! This road trip was definitely worth the time, despite all the other boats around. One might have even thought there was a tournament going on today!!

Pêche guidée
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