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July 31st 2018


Last day of the month and still trolling up walleye every day! Darren wanted to get into the big ones and came out with me today, hoping for a few. I was sure we would see some with the chop we had on the water and headed to an area that had been producing.

With the rods in, we began our search for gold and it didn’t take long before we were able to locate some. Nothing big to start the day but the first few were still overs and had to be released. Eventually we were able to put a few high end keepers in the well for Darren, but we were still searching for the sows!

What had began the day as a good chop on the water eventually died off and became barely a ripple. This wasn’t going to be good for us at all, but I still continued to go through the motions regardless. A few more of the reels fired in the next couple of hours that had some overs and one really nice one, so there was still hope! I covered plenty of water concentrating on the key areas and Darren managed a couple more good ones as well as many keepers. The big girls were eluding us today but I wasn’t done!

By mid afternoon, with the top up, we focussed our attention on a little deeper water and Darren finally hooked into a much better eye. This fish turned out to be the largest of the day as we soon found out. Although he did manage to bring in several more slightly smaller ones, as well as some good northerns, there were no other bigguns!

Time was winding down and I wanted one more fish before we called the day. As luck would have it, a reel went off hard and as soon as Darren removed it from the holder, it was gone! I hate not knowing what was on the other end of the line as it seemed large. Oh well, that’s fishing!

On our way back to the ramp, we were flagged down by another jet ski that seemed in distress. Turns out after trying to boost their battery without any success, I was forced to tow them back to a nearby shore. We may have lost 30 minutes of our time but you never leave anyone stranded on the water, ever!

Today may not have been the banner day that I was accustomed to but there were definitely plenty of good fish landed. Darren had caught some high end keepers, a number of overs and one really nice eye. I’m sure that if we hadn’t lost our wind, the outcome would have been different. Big chop equals big fish and active walleye. Instead we had to settle for flat calm and it was definitely a slower day because of it. Regardless, this was still a good day and plenty of nice fish were landed!!

Pêche guidée
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