Pêche guidée
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July 3rd 2018


Al hooked up with me today all the way from Tennessee! He was in Montreal to perform at the Jazz festival and wanted to fish before playing. He had requested smallmouth and I planned on hooking him up as many times as possible. Hopefully a high numbers day!

We set out shortly after 7:00 and I ran a good distance to the first spot. I set him up with a crank and he loaded the rod on his first cast. Although not a giant, it was a respectable 2 pounder and his first of many for the day. He must have landed about 3 or 4 bass and jumped off equally as many before I switched him up to soft plastics. This was when it got interesting as he nailed umpteen more before I ran out of the color he was using. I usually have loads, but hadn’t restocked from the three day trip a few days back. We tried another color but it just didn’t seem to work as well and he was forced to switch to a jig. This provided him with a few more fish before we decided to move.

Our next area was close by and he hooked up once again on his very first cast. Another decent smallie but not quite photo worthy! He continued throwing the same lure but other than a few lost fish, wasn’t able to boat any more. I switched him over to soft plastics again and almost immediately he was locked up. I was also throwing the same thing to increase his chances and picked up a few bites myself. A quick pass off of the rod and he slammed the fish, landing several more. We covered the entire area and managed a few more fish but it just wasn’t what I expected and we pulled out not long after. Our next spot wasn’t much better and after only catching a couple of fish, I decided to make another long run.

This was obviously the right decision as Al boated over double digits from one small flat. He was just hammering them on soft plastics but lost almost as many too. Eventually it slowed and we headed to another area right after a quick 5 minute lunch.

This place was almost as good as the previous one with high numbers and some really good fish too. Al was pounding on the smallies, big time! This went on for almost an hour before we just ran out of fish for him to catch. I think he stung every one that was there!

Our next top wasn’t nearly as good as the others and only put out a couple of fish before I decided to move again. Al had asked about drop shotting and I wanted to give some deeper water a try before we ran out of time. I was about to show him the basics and hoped the fish were there!

We arrived on an offshore hump and I set up a couple of rods with the same baits. A quick orientation and he made his first drop. We were going to be drifting over the area and hopefully he would hook into a few fish in the process. We didn’t go far and he had his first drop shot smallie! He also missed a couple more and landed a nice walleye that turned out to also be his very first ever. Definitely worthy of a pic! The next drift he had the biggest bass of the day on but unfortunately it was short lived. The hook was thrown when the bass took to the air and disappointment was seen on his face. Many more drifts were made afterwards with fish on almost every one. In fact I made a couple of extras just because we were into fish!

Time flew by today and before we knew it, 4:00 had arrived. We headed back to the dock and took out. This day was definitely a great one filled with plenty of fish for Al to remember. He had also landed his first fish on a drop shot as well as his very first walleye. Who could ask for anything more!!

Pêche guidée
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