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June 13th 2018


Darren & Howard decided to book with me today, hoping to get into more high numbers. Although we got a slightly later start than usual, we were on the water just about 9:00. We quickly headed to a spot hoping for fast action and they weren’t disappointed!

I began the troll with three lines in and about one minute later the first reel went off. Howard grabbed the rod at the same time a second line screamed and we instantly had a double. One pike & one walleye were their reward as they held them up for a few quick pics. That’s how you get a day started!

The conditions couldn’t have been better, with a nice chop on the water from the SW. Lately I’m seeing more high wind days and from every direction but the SW. It was finally nice to have current & wind going the same way!

With lines back in, I knew it wouldn’t take long before they were both fighting fish again and I was right. Another reel fired almost immediately and soon after, a second. Another double of the morning and more pike came aboard. In the next couple of hours, there were many more fish landed with a mix of pike & walleye being seen. There were also several other doubles and even a triple header to add to the numbers. A couple of the walleye made it into the livewell for them but most were overs and released after a few shots. Eventually after milking this area pretty good, I decided to relocate not far from where we were.

With slightly deeper water here, I switched up a few baits and it didn’t take long before the first fish was on. Darren was tight to a good northern and the fight was better than usual. These fish had been feeding for a while now, after the spawn and were real healthy. A quick release and back to trolling, looking for some large eyes. I covered plenty of water and we picked at them good but I wasn’t satisfied with the results. Although a couple of walleye were landed, most of them were pike and I moved again.

I decided to try a little shallower water in hopes of finding what we were after, gold! Clouds were upon us now and conditions were occasional rain, with complete overcast skies. Perfect for the walleye to cruise open water shallows! Within minutes we had a rip and Darren boated yet another large walleye. It seemed like he had the hot hand on the right rods and the right bites. Although they were taking turns on the fish, Howard almost always managed to get pike. Either way, they were catching all kinds of fish and that was all that counted!

I had covered a lot more water than I wanted with very little results before I decided to head back out deeper. The area we had started in was where I was going and as soon as I neared it, reels began to fire again. A few more doubles were also had along with many single hook ups. We decided to remain here for a while and catch as many as we could!

Thunder storms had been forecasted for this afternoon and I knew we were already lucky with the weather, so far. When the skies darkened all around us and it began to rain, I decided to make a long run to another area closer to the ramp. I had also seen a clearing and thought we might be lucky with the rain.

When we arrived I realized I had made the right move as it was flat calm and not raining at all. I set the lines and let the games begin! Reels also began to sing once more and although we started out with a couple of pike, walleye were what we caught most. In fact we ended the day with another double and they were both keeper eyes!

Howard & Darren had decided to pull the plug about 3:30 with the weather coming and I was in agreement. Better to get off when we were dry than to scramble in the rain!

Their day may have been slightly shorter than most but the fishing was still on fire. I don’t really know how many they landed but it was the usual amount for this time of year, lots! They even managed to bring a few keeper walleye home with them as well making this a great day once again. Plenty more of these still to come!!

Pêche guidée
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