Pêche guidée
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Rick and Danny were back for their annual trip and this year it fell on the bass opener. We would spend it targeting smallies and hopefully Mother Nature would be kind!

Our first stop was a disappointment as not one fish was caught. In fact, not one strike was even had! I quickly adjusted locations and soon after presentations as well. We were forced to slow down with the water being below 65 degrees and the results soon changed.

Rick drew first blood but his brother soon followed with a few good fish of his own. As much as I wanted to have them throw crank baits, it just wasn’t working. We ended up on a much slower technique that seemed to be working. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

With each move we made, more fish came aboard. I was actually surprised to see that they were in such good shape right after the spawn. Most of the ones caught looked more like summertime fish than post spawn. They were thick and not all beat up!

Later in the morning the winds began to blow and the easy fishing soon ended. Now we were going to have to make another move to try and find an area a little more sheltered. Unfortunately, there weren’t any, where we were! The winds were out of the west and blowing straight down the pipes. We would have to take the punishment where I wanted to go!

This area proved to be a good choice as the bulk of their fish came from here. We spent a couple of hours refining certain sections and fish after fish came aboard. Most of them were pretty good ones too!

With the skies looking a little threatening I made one final move to another spot nearby. Unfortunately the winds picked up even more and in the distance rain was seen. After a few more fish, we packed it up and headed back in the direction of the ramp. I had planned on stopping on one or two more areas before the end of the day but things soon changed. The west winds had big rollers and we all decided to call it a little early.

Despite the dangerously low water this season, I was still able to find some fish for them to enjoy. It’s too bad that we weren’t able to get an aggressive bite going but at least we adjusted quick enough to change the outcome. Plenty of bass were caught in the end and overall this was a very successful opening day to the bass season. I can’t wait to get back out again tomorrow for round two!

Pêche guidée
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