Pêche guidée
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Michele, Alex and Dwayne were with me today, eager to catch a few fish. What they didn’t know was that it was going to be the best day of fishing, they had ever experienced!

Michele & Alex started the trip without Dwayne, but he was scheduled to join them before noon. More fish for them I guess! With just the three of us, we ran to our first spot and I dropped the rods in for a little troll.

We had covered plenty of water with only one walleye to show for our efforts and even that fish didn’t make the reel fire! I had done a check and noticed it pinned to the hooks, so Michele got to land the first fish of the day before I made a few drastic location changes. From this point on, it was lights out for the fish!

Both Michel & Alex spent the next several hours landing fish after fish. A mix of walleye & pike were boated every few minutes and they even had several doubles in the mix! Too bad it had to all come to an end as we headed back to the ramp to pick up Dwayne before 11:30.

A quick bathroom break and a turnaround saw us racing across nearly flat calm waters to return to where we had left off. Would they still be there and would they still be biting? This was the question!

I had decided to try an adjacent area in hopes of more active fish and it didn’t take long. A couple of minutes after setting the lines, we had a reel fire and Dwayne was tight to a good pike. Unfortunately the second reel took a lot longer to go off and disappointment was had, because so did the fish! In fact the next couple of bites all came off before we could get them into the net. These fish were short striking the lures with the cold water and a reduction of speed was needed to even get them somewhat interested.

After struggling for over an hour with inactive fish, I decided to try something different and their luck really changed. From this point on, I managed to get them into plenty more fish. We had a couple of double headers and many, many singles. A small change in presentations was all that was required to fire the fish up! The afternoon turned out to be almost as good as the morning as the time passed by. They were even able to add a few more walleye to the tank giving them a good limit to bring home. As always, several overs were returned too!

Today turned out to be a success by making a few adjustments. With the water temps much colder than I’d like, slowing down allowed the fish to move on the baits much better. Location changes were also needed as the fish weren’t everywhere like they should be at this time of year. In the end, the day was a success! Everyone had a great time and for once, the weather was perfect as well. None of us could have asked for anything more!

Pêche guidée
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