Pêche guidée
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What do you do on your day off? Well, go fishing of course! Christiane & I headed out today for several hours to scout a few new areas. I haven’t had much time this summer to do any looking but today I would, hoping for the best.

First on the list was an area for sturgeon that I had been wanting to fish. I knew it held some but had never given it a try. Unfortunately after idling around and finding all kinds of great marks, we were still unable to hook up. I was a little disappointed but will be back some other time to give it another try!

I also had wanted to try a little trolling and dropped the lines in to see what I could locate. What I found was plenty of bait and even more floating weeds. This definitely made trolling a real pain! I was constantly cleaning the rods and after a short while just gave up!

Our next attempt at fishing was to be casting big weed patches for smallies and this at least gave us a few quality bites. It may not have been lots but they were big!

Our final area to check was a deep spot, once again for bass and it was here that we would end the day. It was definitely holding some quality as we landed some real giants!

Although we didn’t spend much time fishing today, it was still productive. I was finally able to see a few new spots and some of them were definitely worth the check. I will be back out on a few of them with clients in the coming weeks, hoping to get into those fish again! Who knows, maybe they’ll be holding even more!

Pêche guidée
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