Pêche guidée
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Well for the second time this week I had a cancellation! Unlike a couple of days ago however, today’s client was a flat out “No Show”! This really doesn’t sit well with me! After several unanswered texts and a phone message I left, I finally got to talk to him when I called again. He said he’d talk to his friend and call me back! Fifteen minutes later he decided to text me that they weren’t coming. He couldn’t even call me to talk! It takes a special kind of person to do this shit! Immediately he was added into a blacklist that I keep for people like this!

After rearranging my schedule for Yury today and giving him an earlier start time of 10:30, he decides that he isn’t coming at 11:00. One person’s loss is another’s gain as Christiane got to fish for the second time this week. We headed onto the water before noon and were going to try a few areas for bass this time. Hopefully this would rid me of the bad taste left in my mouth from Yury’s no show!

I decided to check out a few other places for sturgeon first and spent plenty of time just idling all over. We never even dropped the lines in as I didn’t see anything worth fishing over! Time for some bass!

I knew we weren’t going to be out long and headed to a spot I hadn’t fished in a while to toss some blades. It didn’t take long and Christiane had a big follower all the way to the boat. A little while later, I nailed a good one and thought we were into something. Unfortunately it jumped off on the way to the boat and was gone. Several yards later Christiane finally hooked into a 3 pounder and brought it to net. I knew we would get more and didn’t bother with the pics!

The conditions were great for what we were doing and I made another pass to see if we could pick up a few more quality bites. It wasn’t long before I had an answer as Christiane nailed a really good one. It fought just like a fall smallmouth should and eventually I had it in the net. This one would definitely make the cut for pics!

A number of other bass were also hooked and either landed or lost in the next hour as we covered plenty of water. I was just testing this place out and pleasantly surprised to find as many fish here as there were. I will be back with clients in the future and refine it more with several bait changes!

Neither of us wanted to get off too late and decided to hit a couple of other areas before we were done. Both of them produced fish but not the way they should have. One of them showed schooling walleye that apparently had lock jaw! I tried several drifts and changed baits a few times only to come up with nada. We did however manage to get into both bass and some pretty good sized perch!

By 3:30 we called the day and pulled off the water. Christiane was happy just to have gotten out again and even happier to have landed some nice smallies. I was glad to see some schooling fish and can’t wait to get back on them again. Overall this day started out bad but ended better! I’m still disappointed in some people but fortunately not everyone acts like this! Karma has a way of coming around and I can’t wait to see if he gets back to me for another trip. I know he won’t like how much it’ll cost him this time!

Pêche guidée
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