Pêche guidée
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Hughes & Olivier had a rough time today catching any quality. Although they did manage fish from everywhere we stopped, they were rather on the small side.

We began on an open water area and Olivier landed only a couple of perch. I was marking many bigger fish but even with a few bait changes, they still wouldn’t cooperate.

The next move saw a couple of bass on a midrange rock pile, but again both small. This was becoming the norm and I wanted to change the outcome!

Our third stop had Hughes catching a number of walleye and a few of them even made it into the tank. At close to 10 fish from here, I really thought we’d start getting into the big ones soon. Apparently not, as everything remained small! Time for another relocate!

I decided to try some deep water and they began a long drift, drop shotting the flat. Except for a few missed opportunities, we came up empty! There was no need to drift it again! I hit a couple more deep rock piles and again, small fish! Time to try something completely different!

I made a long run to a shallow area and we spent close to 45 minutes casting soft plastics. Olivier was the only person the hook up and it was probably the largest bass so far!

With the winds having increased considerably from the west, I made my way back to the spot that had produced the most fish. Both Olivier & Hughes continued to catch more walleye and unfortunately the size remained the same. We pulled out of here after a few drifts and headed back to deep, open water where we would fish the remainder of the day.

They continued the drift with a dropshot technique and Olivier put a beating on the small perch. Although I was marking plenty of good walleye, they seemed to be having a little lock jaw problem! Except for one more small bass, the rest of the afternoon only saw perch. The winds didn’t make it any easier for them to fish either as we were in three footers for most of the time here!

I don’t think anyone was disappointed to see today over as it was definitely a painful one! Despite throwing everything but the kitchen sink, I couldn’t get them on any real quality fish. Plenty of bites, but almost all small! Another tough day in the books for this season!

Pêche guidée
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