Pêche guidée
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Allan & Natalie joined me today for a mix of fish and a variety of techniques. The weather was actually pleasant at the start and felt cool for the run to our first spot. Trolling would once again be the technique used this morning and I wasted no time getting the lines prepped and in the water.

Our first bite took a little longer than usual but it was a big fish. I could tell by the way it was acting that it was a walleye and handed the rod to Natalie to fight. Unfortunately pressure was lost and so was the fish soon after. Oh well, I’m sure there would be more!

We trolled the area and had a few short strikes and managed to land a couple of pike. Both of the fish fell off in the net showing that they were barely hooked and not very active. Hopefully this would change soon!

I decided to switch locations and apparently it was a good move as we began to get into more active fish in this spot. Both pike & walleye were brought to net in the next few hours but all the walleye had to be released once again. They measured too long for the slot. Tough getting keepers lately but they do make for great pics!

Late in the morning with the sun scorching and a lack of wind, I decided to raise the roof for a little relief. What a difference it made for the troll as we were all beginning to suffer and needed some shade.

We trolled till almost noon and I decided to try something different in an area further away. I also made a short pit stop and let both Nat & Allan off on land to take a bathroom break.

The next area was a big flat that held smallies and they were going to be casting soft plastics in hopes of catching a few. I made a couple of demonstration casts and managed to hook into a small bass in the process. Unfortunately Allan missed a couple, but Natalie did catch two decent smallies that fought like champs.

We moved around the area in hopes of finding a school but it never really happened. I was eventually forced to hit other areas nearby and the results were the same. I think there were only a couple more bass landed, so I decided to make another move. We would be going to open water and trying some drop shotting!

With the lack of wind & current I was forced to use the electric motor just to move along. I wasn’t marking many fish or any bait but I was sure there were a few around. After a slight move, Allan hooked up on a nice smallie and it took to the air almost instantly. We made another drift over the small area after taking pics & before calling it a day.

I had just finished packing up the roof when I saw both their lines get hit at the same time. As soon as I told them, instant double header! Unfortunately Nat’s fish came unpinned but Allan landed another decent bass before we were done. It would have been nice to end on a double but at least we finished with a bang!

Today was another good day of fishing but I had to cover plenty of water to make it happen. Trolling definitely put the most fish in the boat but that’s usually the way to go when the fish are scattered. I’ll be back out again tomorrow and with any luck, the fish will be a little more active. I’m praying for some wind but it looks like another day of trolling with the roof up. Either way, we will catch plenty more fish!

Pêche guidée
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