Pêche guidée
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Day three started out a little slow, but definitely turned around to become the best one so far! Despite the great number of boats everywhere, Vic & Al pounded on the fish once again. By slowing down and making several adjustments, they were able to catch plenty of quality bass.

We began with a drop shot set up and although they managed to get into a few fish, they weren’t the calibre I was searching for. I moved around some and picked the areas I wanted to fish, carefully! I actually let other boats fish through just so that I could concentrate on specific spots for Al & Vic to cast. This worked out fine, for the most part!

As the day got on, the fishing picked up with each move we made and both of them began catching many more fish. Some real quality bass came to net along with a nice walleye that Al managed to hook into. Although it was difficult trying to decide where to fish comfortably, I still got the job done without incident. My head was definitely on a swivel today as I kept a close eye on all the others nearby!

Al even managed to catch his personal best bass and backed it up soon after, with another of almost the same size. Big fish were plentiful but we really had to slow down in order to catch them too. A couple of the spots were holding both numbers and size and we took advantage of them for as long as we could.

For the last hour or so in the day, I had to resort to using the small engine for boat positioning. The wind and current had killed my batteries almost completely. This was the first time this year that I had run out of power! It didn’t matter though as I was able to hold the boat stationary, just like I was anchored. They even managed to get a few more good quality fish before we were done!

We ended the day before four o’clock and headed back to take out. The winds were deceiving but as we got more to the open water I saw just how big they had gotten and understood why my batteries had died. The waves too were quality!

Tomorrow we will be back out and although I’m not sure where I will be, I’m sure the fishing will be great. I really want to end with a bang so maybe I’ll just have to go and anchor up for a couple of those dinosaurs once again. One way or another, they’ll be catching plenty of fish!

Pêche guidée
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