Pêche guidée
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The gang was back again this morning for another day of fishing. This time however, we took a road trip to a distant body of water in search of big bass. I knew they wouldn’t be disappointed!

Dave was the first to lock up on an average sized bass and followed it up with several more about the same size. Mark managed to pull in the first good one that was worthy of a pic though and I knew things were about to get better. Not wanting to be outdone by his brother for long, Darren moved in and landed the biggest bass of the day. All three of them were officially on the board! They all managed to get into plenty of other bass too, before we relocated to another spot close by.

I covered plenty of water looking for bigger fish and despite many void areas, still found some really good ones for them to catch. The bulk of the fish were taken on one particular technique, but Mark boated several big ones on something with a slight twist. I had him fishing deeper than the others at one point and he had multiple back to back quality bites.

Later in the afternoon while fishing in tight, they were casting directly at the shore. For some reason another boat thought it was alright just to pass between us and the bank and fish through. It’s really unbelievable the lack of etiquette some people have for others, or maybe it’s just stupidity! This is why we don’t carry guns!

We spent the balance of the day moving around and only picking at fish here & there before we were done. Although I was still marking plenty, the bites were really slow and everyone agreed to call it quits.

The two days they spent with me had a good mix of fish boated, with today seeing many big bass. I’ll probably be back out with Darren again but for Mark & Dave, it’ll be another year before they are back for their annual fishing trip. This tradition has been going on for many years and the competition as well. No money, but bragging rights for the remainder of the year. By now I’m actually surprised that they haven’t had a trophy made for their Big Fish Challenge!

Pêche guidée
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