Pêche guidée
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After yesterday’s outing for sturgeon, I couldn’t wait to get back for more! Dan joined me today in hopes of getting some of his own and he wasn’t disappointed. We anchored up with the electric motor once again, making my life so much easier. With lines in, all we could do was wait!

Both of us had been holding the rods to detect the bites when Dan reared back on some weight. He was officially locked but thought it was a small one as it was coming in pretty quick. To his surprise, that ended before the boat and it grew. Instead of reeling, he was now watching the line peel off the reel. It’s show time!

He fought this thing for almost 10 minutes with multiple runs before I was able to get it into the net. It was a long male and very muscular causing the battle to last longer than usual for its size. After a few quick pics, it was returned to the water to fight another day.

We had resumed fishing for a little while before Dan set into another fish and this time it was just dead weight. As the line started to rise, we knew it was about to jump and awaited its size! It was large and he was going to be on it for a while. Multiple runs followed by bottom sulking had Dan getting the morning workout that he had missed. No need to go to the gym when you can battle these things!

After another ten minutes or so, I slid the net under a long, fat sturgeon. He held it up for some great pics before releasing her to the water once again. I figured that there would be a number three and set the lines right back hoping for another.

We had made a couple of moves and been waiting close to an hour when I was finally bit. Seconds later after setting into the fish, I passed the rod to Dan and watched the show. I wanted no part of this thing and was happy to give him another to fight.

Just like the last one, this sturgeon took the air in a spectacular jump informing us of its size. It didn’t matter though as the battle was just as long! Another ten minutes passed before the fish was in the net and Dan was relieved that the fight was finally over. More pics and another release and back to the business at hand!

Although we waited for well over an hour and moved several times, it wasn’t going to happen. We would have to settle for the fish we had already caught and move on. It was also getting harder to hold as the winds were increasing as well. They were now causing 2 to 3 foot rollers and from the NE. It was definitely time to pull the plug on these dinosaurs!

I wasn’t even sure if I would be able to fish the smallies in deep water, but headed there to see regardless. Once we arrived it was like an ocean and our drift was not easy. I had to get the strangest angle for the boat and literally pull it down current with the electric motor in order to fish. Somehow I made it work and we were able to hook up many times in the last couple of hours of the day. We both boated several decent sized smallies but nothing giant. Regardless, we made it work and fished an unfishable area due to the opposing winds!

Today was about as good as it gets considering what we had to endure and Dan was definitely satisfied with his results. He managed to battle a few big fish and ended with his favourite species, the smallie! We couldn’t have asked for anything more! Well maybe a little less wind and possibly a different direction!!

Pêche guidée
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