Pêche guidée
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October 26th 2018


I had a boatload today with Sam, Steph, Phillip and Gaurav, all looking for big smallies. Another road trip had us meeting at the location with a slightly later than usual start. It didn’t matter though as the air temps were below freezing anyway. Hopefully everything would heat up soon!

I started them shallow in hopes of a few quick fish but soon found that we needed to go a little deeper to get bit. Sam locked up on a couple of nice ones on a jig that had everyone excited. We were even seeing some fish swimming in the area as well, adding to their confidence!

I had set up the rods with various baits, hoping to figure out a pattern and it didn’t take long. Although Gaurav did manage to get a couple of strikes on soft plastics, it was the jigs that produced more. Phillip hooked into a real giant that unfortunately got off on the very first jump. Time to make another adjustment and try something even slower.

I slid out to even deeper water and tried a drop shot rod to see if this would help. First cast, locked up and confirmation was made! I set up another rod and had two of them work the area and several other quality bass were landed. Between the drop shot and the jigs, they were definitely seeing better action than earlier this morning!

The air temps were feeling pretty good now with the sun and lack of wind, regardless that it was barely above freezing. I even think the sun helped with the fish activity! Bites weren’t everywhere but by slowing down and concentrating, they were able to hook some fish. I had only spot fished and managed plenty of hookups, telling me that the fish were definitely there. A little concentration and focus was all that was needed for the fish!

We had fished a bunch of different places and caught bass in almost every one of them by fishing slow. With the water temps barely over 50 degrees, this was required if you wanted to get bit. I decided to try one last area before we were to leave and within 15 minutes they had another half dozen or so fish, closing out the day.

Although a short one, it was still one of the more productive outings for numbers as well as size today. I’m sure that if we had gotten out a little earlier, they would have landed even more fish. I was unable to fish all the places I wanted, being limited to time and just remained on the ones that were producing best. The fishing may have been slow at times but the bites were definitely good ones when they hooked up. At least the conditions were nice, for a change!!

Pêche guidée
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