Pêche guidée
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September 26th 2018


Round two with Jim & Marie and another hurricane like day locally. This had us taking a road trip, back to the waters we fished yesterday. Would we have a repeat, or would the wind shut us down there too?

The drive was similar with heavy rain falling, right at the start. The only difference was that the air was a whole lot warmer when we arrived. Lighter clothes were definitely necessary as the temps were suppose to feel more like 80 degrees by afternoon.

We headed right to the area that gave us the better fish yesterday in hopes of similar results. Unfortunately the fish weren’t very cooperative and Marie landed the only one from here. She also lost another that threw the bait when it jumped. That one was a real giant!

We made a long run to another spot after, hoping for better fishing. Here too it wasn’t great but Marie did land another huge fish. Too bad it was the only one though and we were forced to move again due to the winds.

The bites weren’t great with them picking a fish here & there and I was scrambling to get them more. At one point, Jim even managed to catch his first ever goby minnow. Not the 6 pounder he was looking for! I switched them up to the jigs and even tried deeper water in hopes of finding a school of active fish. This is where they had lots of action, but most of their bites were snags, ending in lost jigs. Jim did however manage to land a decent smallie and miss a few other bites as well.

At one point I thought I’d try some real deep water hoping for a drop shot bite. It wasn’t easy in the cross winds to keep the boat drifting and baits vertical and after about 30 minutes of fighting the conditions, I just pulled the plug. Time was passing by quickly and I needed to make a move!

I ended the day on the same spot as yesterday, hoping for better results. The winds weren’t in our favor but at least they were able to cast! Marie hooked into a quality bass shortly after arriving and landed another photo fish. The caliber today was great, despite the number of fish they landed! She also managed to catch a couple more big ones afterwards by switching up the baits. Although I would have liked to see more fish caught, the results just weren’t there. We could see another storm on its way and we were done!

Their two days with me saw some big fish caught with a slight adjustment in plans. Their track record for bringing hurricanes when they come up is still bang on! I may not have changed locations if it weren’t for the giant winds locally. Despite the horrible conditions, there were still some great fish caught and that’s all that counts. We had made the best of a bad situation and fended quite well in the end. Although Jim didn’t get the fish he hoped for, it wasn’t for lack of trying. Marie had stole his thunder by landing , « The One »! Maybe next time will be the charm as he continues to search for his Holy Grail!!

Pêche guidée
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