Pêche guidée
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July 30th 2018


Another full boat again today with Mark, Dawn and her 2 daughters, Grace & Abby. They hadn’t fished much and I knew exactly what to do for them. We would be trolling up plenty of fish in the hours we would be out!

I managed to get all the lines in before we had our first hit, but the reel didn’t fire. Instead, the rod just bent and bounced a little indicating that there was a fish. I hoped this wasn’t what we were going to see all day! Grace took the rod and reeled in her first ever pike. It was also her first fish and now we were on the board! Her sister Abby was up next and not long after, she too was bringing in a fish. It was another pike and just about the same size as the previous one.

With both kids having caught fish, it was time for Dawn & Mark to get in the game! I kept trolling with the wind and pretty soon another reel went off with Dawn fighting her fish. Our first pass was to yield 4 pike and 1 keeper walleye allowing us a full rotation, plus one. Everyone was able to bring fish in pretty quickly and I knew it would only get better!

Although we did have our dead periods during the morning, plenty of good fish were landed by all. Big walleye, pike and a few keeper eyes were brought to the net often. The winds were even in our favor as they blew from the right direction, for a change. There was a nice chop on the water and that always makes for better fishing!

By afternoon, the sun and heat had me raising the roof for a little shade. It definitely made for a more comfortable troll as we continued our search for more fish. We seemed to be locating them in pods as each time they landed one, we almost always caught a few more afterwards. Too bad there were long distances in between!

They had all brought in their fair share of good fish with some really big walleye for pics. At the same time, they were also able to livewell a few keeper walleye for dinner tonight. It was a win, win for everyone!

The last couple of hours in the day were no different with some big fish and a few more keeper walleye. The kids were having a good time catching fish and many rotations were had. I think by the time it was all over, Dawn may have had the biggest walleye an Mark the largest pike of the day. Either way, nobody seemed to mind as they all had their share of big fish today!

As the day wound down, I began packing things up and stored the top for our run back. I always like leaving on a high and left the lines in to catch that last fish of the day. Right on cue, a reel fired and Mark brought in a keeper walleye to end it. A great way to finish up another successful day on the water. Now we were ready to leave!

I may have had to work a little harder today to get the number of fish I was use to seeing but in the end, it all worked out. Everyone had a great time and plenty of quality fish were boated by all. This would be a part of their vacation that they would be remembering for a while. They would also be tasting some fresh fish tonight! Who could ask for a better way to end the day!!

Pêche guidée
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