Pêche guidée
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May 27th 2018


With the overnight temps dropping from the cold north winds, I knew today was going to be a challenge. Neil & his son Ben were with me and I had to make a game plan for the day. Big NE winds throughout the morning were to give way to a change of direction by afternoon and intensify. We would have to jump sides during the switch in order to continue fishing. They were forecasting 20 to over 30 knots and a SE isn’t pretty. The boat ramp would become a roller coaster for the take out and I knew exactly what I needed to do. I left a set of keys with a friend and asked him to have the trailer in the water, if necessary. Don would become a well appreciated Valet!

I dropped the boat in and the three of us headed out in search of active fish. It was everything but though, as we were about to find out! Ben took the first rod when the reel fired and he eventually boated a decent smallie. Not exactly what we were after but a fish nonetheless. The next reel to fire was a walleye and Neil almost had it to the boat before the barely hooked fish pulled free. I knew right then & there that the bite was going to be tough!

We trolled around plenty and despite putting a few fish in the livewell, watched almost everyone of them fall off in the net. I had informed Ben & his dad to smoothly bring the fish in and not to over pressure them while doing so. This was the only way we were to be able to land the fish as they were almost all, barely hooked. It seemed to work as more and more fish were being landed now, but we had to work for each & every one. I covered plenty of water and hit almost every waypoint I could before relocating further off shore and into the big winds. The thought of it blowing even harder didn’t look good, but the direction change looked even worse!

I set the lines once again but this time it felt like the ocean with the tide. Waves were surging opposite the current creating big rollers. I guess it was the right call because minutes later one of the reels fired and Neil landed a nice walleye. I continued fishing the area and picked up a few more fish in the process. Unfortunately the winds were starting to switch and I had to use the big motor to run back and fish it again. It was impossible to troll downstream with wind against current. I needed bow lift and the big motor was the only way to go! After a few more decent fish and one over, it was time to relocate to the south side of the lake. We had no choice if we wanted to continue to fish!

It was a little bumpy getting over there, but we were glad to have made the decision. It was still really windy here but the waves were much less. Unfortunately though, we managed to run into some rain that remained with us for a few hours! With lines set, I began the troll and this time it took a whole lot longer to get the first bite. The area I was focussing on seemed void of fish and I had to make many adjustments before we got our first bite. Although a good one, it wasn’t easy! Neil once again landed a nice walleye that joined a few of the others in the well. Several other fish were landed in the next hour but conditions had worsened. It was becoming more & more difficult to keep the boat on course with the giant cross winds and eventually I pulled out to relocate.

The next place was even worse and we didn’t stay long! I decided to make a long run to one last area closer to the leeward side in hopes of a few more bites. It was here that we were to finish our day as the reels just kept firing. Pike after pike were now coming in every couple of minutes and I think we even had several doubles. in fact the average size was considerably larger than the usual ones I was used to getting here. Both Ben & Neil were having a blast after working so hard for everything they had caught the rest of the day. After about an hour, Neil even landed the best walleye of the day! We fished a little longer, all the while catching one fish after the other. Eventually I knew we would have to leave so we ended it with another double header!

I packed everything up and made a phone call to Don to see if he would be able to help with the trailer. He was actually surprised that I hadn’t already gotten off but gladly helped out. He would be waiting with the trailer when we got there!

The first third of our run back wasn’t too bad but after that, it just got ugly! Eventually I wasn’t even able to go straight back and had to make like a sailboat and tack in the waves. They were giant and rolling so big that even with the 21 foot Ranger, I would have swamped it! I eventually made it to the ramp and saw that there were average 4 footers rolling on the shore with some even bigger. Thankfully Don was waiting with the trailer and I was able to put the boat up in one shot. What an absolute roller coaster! It really looked like the ocean! Ironically the entire ride back the boat stayed dry but once on the trailer and pulling out, a tidal wave rolled completely over the back deck, filling the boat. The pumps worked overtime unloading all the water as we drove it out.

I kind of figured at the beginning of the day that this would be the most difficult part and I was right. The waves on the lake I could handle to fish in, but giant winds directly on the boat ramp aren’t fun. I would never launch the boat in this but taking out had to be done! Oh well, it’s only water!

Neil & Ben had an excellent day overall with the best saved for last. We managed to catch fish throughout and ended it with a huge bang! I don’t really know how many fish were caught but I know it was many. They were even taking a limit of walleye home for dinner and plenty of others were released.

I’ll be back on the water again tomorrow with clients and hopefully Mother Nature will be more cooperative. A little less wind and maybe from a different direction would be nice! All I know is I’m thankful for the Ranger but even more for the Valet service provided by Don! It definitely made my life much easier!!

Pêche guidée
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