Pêche guidée
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Imane and her father Musaffah were with me for the afternoon, hoping to catch some fish. She was treating her dad to a birthday gift by taking him fishing. Flat calm conditions greeted them when they arrived and we headed out. It had been quite some time since either of them had fished and full instruction was needed before they began.

It wasn’t going to be easy getting them into fish as a bass tournament was going on today. There were literally boats everywhere! I had to settle for a small area on our first stop with three other boats where I wanted to be. Fortunately, they hooked some fish here but unfortunately, they also lost them.

Our second area was a long distance away and Imane hooked into and landed a nice bass on her first cast. Hopefully not a decoy fish! They fished hard after but never landed anything else. A few more bites and missed fish were all they had to show for their efforts. We moved again!

With each move I made I had to skip over many places that I wanted to fish due to the boats already fishing there. I eventually hit an area with no boats and we managed several more bites and Musaffah finally landed a bass from here. Our next four moves proved useless as boats were on every one of them!

We made one final stop in the middle of nowhere at the end of the day, hoping to get into a few more fish. It was here that they managed to catch several walleye and were able to keep a few for their dinner tonight.

Afternoon weekend trips aren’t always easy, but windless, scorcher days with a tournament going on added into the mix make it all that much tougher. Thankfully they rallied in the end to finish with a bang. Keeping a few fresh fish for dinner was also a bonus that I’m sure they will really enjoy! Tough day all around!!

Pêche guidée
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