Pêche guidée
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Richard was flying solo this morning as we headed out on the water, in search of a few bites. We tried an area close by and managed 20 or more fish before moving. Unfortunately, all the walleye were small, as well as the bass! Time to move on!

Rich had wanted to try catching a fish on the fly, so it was in the next spot that I made it happen. In fact, he managed to get a couple before switching back to a spinning rod and putting a hurt on the bass. We were pre frontal and the fish wanted to eat! I remained here for long as I cold before relocating to seek cover closer to shore. The thunder was rumbling in the background and I wanted no part of it! We continued to fish, carefully, while the thunder and lightning was happening. In fact, Rich even managed a couple more bass through the ordeal!

After things seemed like they had settled down, we made our way out to deeper water to try a little dropshotitng. It was starting to look good as a few fish were landed, but it didn’t last. We were forced to move back closer to the shore when the storm reappeared. No reason to chance anything in these conditions!

Well after a little longer than I would have liked, we moved back to deeper water and continued fishing. We also continued catching but they weren’t all big. Although Rich managed some nice bass most were on the medium size. Several walleye were also caught but none were legal. We fished a series of places for the remainder of the day and managed fish from each one. Around 3:00 we decided to pull the plug after one final stop. This shallow area was void of fish after the storm, unlike earlier when Rich beat on them. It was officially time to go!

Today was a great day despite Mother Nature’s attempt at ruining it. We caught plenty of fish and some really good ones as well. An earlier postponement opened the door for Rich today and he took advantage of the holiday. Apparently, we were the only ones as the lake was pretty void of boats. Pretty strange for a weekend led alone a holiday, but we weren’t going to let a little rain ruin a perfectly good fishing day. Glad to be on the water, catching fish!!

Pêche guidée
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