Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

After cancelling the last 3 days due to winds and heavy rains, I was finally back out with John & Kim. They were going to have to work for the fish today as the winds were still big! The water was also very high and stained and I wasn’t sure how this would affect the fishing. Only time would tell!

Our first spot only produced a few bass and they were on the small side. After 3 drifts, I decided to make a move and try another area nearby, in hopes of better results. This place was also slower than I had expected, but at least the fish were bigger. Both John & Kim landed some really good bass, giving me hope. Although I was marking many fish, only some of them wanted to move to eat.

I changed areas frequently and they managed fish from each place we stopped. As the afternoon passed, I decided to try a couple of the places I was at this morning and amazingly enough, they were on fire now. I’m not sure if we just hit a feeding window or if the water was cleaning up, but they were eating. We ended the day dodging storms all around us, but all the while catching fish.

Today was an interesting one filled with many challenges. Thankfully the fishing picked up in the afternoon and many fish were landed, again! Both walleye and smallies were fought today in this high, dirty water. I only hope that in the next couple of days, it clears up allowing for higher numbers again. Better days ahead!!



Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation