Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Marc & his son Marcellin joined me today and had in incredible time catching fish. They had hoped to catch a few but managed to land way more than that! It was full of action, for the most!

We headed out in a bad SE wind that had me launching in big waves for the start. I had to be careful backing up so as not to swamp the boat in reverse. Once we were to our starting spot, things were looking a whole lot better though and on the very first pass, they were both hooked up. Too bad they lost the fish but it was a good start to the day, I guess!

Throughout the morning, there were many hookups and plenty of bass and walleye were landed and also lost. A couple of the walleye were even kept for them for dinner. We made multiple passes through the area and they managed to catch lots of bass but then it just slowed right down. Another boat moved in to where we were fishing and made it difficult for us to drift, so I just relocated. I never want to educate people when they act like this and decided to try another area further away.

The new spot proved to be a good choice as Marc landed a big smallie as well as an over walleye before we were done. I had noticed off in the distance that the original boat was no longer where we were fishing. I guess he wasn’t able to figure anything out!

AS it was almost noon, I returned both Marc’s to the dock for a break so that they could have lunch nearby. I headed back out on my own to check a couple of areas while they were away and awaited their return. It rained the entire time they were gone and 45 minutes later when they came back, it had almost stopped. I guess they made a good choice in going to eat!

We fished the afternoon in slightly bigger winds than this morning and they continued to catch fish. The rain even completely stopped and made the rest of the day more enjoyable. At least the fish were still cooperative!

Time passed by quickly and just before 4:00, I packed up and headed back in. It wasn’t great conditions at the ramp but I’ve definitely seen worse. The waves were crashing on the shore due to the SE direction, but I soon had the boat on the trailer and out of the water.

Overall today was a success with both Marcs landing many good fish. They even managed to take a limit of walleye home with them in the end. They had learned a new technique and had plenty of practice landing fish. I’m sure I’ll see them back again in he future as they both had a great day of fishing!!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation