Guided Fishing!
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Denny & Chai were with me today on this sketchy weather outing. We set out in overcast skies that eventually turned into a light rain. A couple of times it let up, but soon started again. The winds picked up too during the rain causing a slight adjustment in the drift. Fortunately I had enough confidence in the area we were in to hang in there. After several misses, both Denny & Chai were able to get the hang of what to do and began landing fish. They put several good keeper eyes in the boat before we were done here.

Our second area was equally as good and this time there were more bass than walleye caught. Denny did manage to land a couple of good eyes that culled two of the earlier ones caught from the first location. While we were drifting, another storm was on the way causing me to stay here a little longer than I had wanted. The path it was taking would have crushed us if I had of made the move. I wanted to go to another spot to cast for bass and waited out the storm. In the end, we received only a light rain for about 10 minutes and made the move once it was done.

The winds had increased after the rain and we were now running in 2 to 3 foot waves to get to where we were heading. They were also blowing out of the W/NW making for a bumpy ride. We finally arrived and I set the rods up with soft plastics and instructed them on what to do. Several fish were missed before they actually managed to hook into a few and they were good ones. Both Denny and Chai landed a couple that were photo worthy. Unfortunately one of the bass that Denny caught required deep hook removal and I didn’t want to stress the fish out more than it had already been. A quick release to ensure its survival was required!

We packed up shortly after 3:30 and readied for the nasty run back to the ramp. The waves were even bigger now and almost at a 45 degree angle to how I needed to run. It was a little bumpy at times but we stayed dry and made it back without issues. This was a great experience for these guys and they had a fun time catching all kinds of fish throughout the day. I’m sure they will be back in the near future to enjoy even more and can’t wait to have them again. Great day for fishing!

Guided Fishing!
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