Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Haig was with me for the afternoon and he brought his daughters Katia and Talia along as well. We would be starting a bit early due to the wet weather on the way and hit the water about 10:30. I hoped it wouldn’t be as bad as they predicted!

First stop was a little slow with absolutely zero wind and getting bites was difficult as best. It actually felt like there was no current! Haig did manage to get a couple of bass and one was a true giant! Despite all their efforts though, the girls came up empty. They did however miss a couple of strikes in the number of casts they made!

Our next stop had everyone casting a drop shot and both girls managed to get into some walleye. A couple of them were even keepers and would be joining them for dinner tonight! I probably shouldn’t have left this area but the rain began to fall and it didn’t look like it was going to stop anytime soon. I needed to get the roof up and decided to make a long run before putting it up for them to fish more comfortably.

The next spot saw them drifting and dropshotting open water shoals once the top was raised. It made for difficult fishing but at least they would remain dry! Everyone had shots at fish but unfortunately strikes were missed while we covered the areas. The winds also didn’t make the drift easy as we gained more speed with the roof. It wasn’t easy to slow the boat to a fishable drift and sometimes they weren’t even touching the bottom. Time for some adjustment!

Misery was upon us with the wind & rain and one of the girls decided to tap out for a while and not fish. This allowed me to take a different approach with the drift by pointing the bow into the wind to slow the speed down. Apparently it was the right choice as now we were fishing vertically!

Haig and Katia both managed to hook several fish in the remaining time and some of them came in the boat before we were done. Both bass & walleye were landed in this wet weather, but they didn’t seem to mind a little dampness. As long as they were catching fish, they didn’t care!

One more stop in the place that gave up a couple of the better walleye saw us struggling to get bit. The winds and waves made it too tough to fish and despite many casts by everyone, only one perch was taken from here. The fish had just vacated this spot entirely with the weather change and now, so were we!

Although tough at times, this afternoon proved to be a great experience for everyone. They all managed to get into some fish and that’s all that matters! Mother Nature could have been a little kinder to the girls but unfortunately, that’s out of my control. In the end, they were able to bring some fish home with them and plenty of memories of the day’s events. Hopefully they’ll be back again and with any luck, it’ll be a nice day full of fish and even more great memories!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation