Guided Fishing!
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Last night’s cold front had me heading for deeper water this morning. J.P. & Yves were with me as we made our way across the water to where we would begin. The cool north wind wouldn’t make it easy to drift but I would give it a try!

As expected, boat control was difficult at times with the wind direction 90 degrees to the current flow. I literally had to pull the boat downstream with the electric motor if I wanted any movement at all. This was not an easy task, but somehow I made it work!

J.P. and Yves managed to catch fish but with the high numbers I was marking, I would have expected many more. They landed both walleye & bass in the few short hours we were on the water. By 11:30 we were done and on our way back to the dock where I would be exchanging guests. I had another group of 4 scheduled for the afternoon and I only hoped that the conditions would change!

Mohammad arrived a few minutes late but we were on our way quickly. I would be heading elsewhere with this many people in hopes of being able to drift and drop shot. I really didn’t want anyone casting!

Fortunately the winds were light but still from opposing directions to the current. I needed to move the boat along with the electric motor once again in order to fish effectively. Although a little clumsy with the angle, they all managed to land fish. Mohammad caught the biggest and most but all the others bent a few rods too. We made many drifts over structures that held both bass & walleye and some of the fish came to net. Unfortunately more were missed or lost, but that’s fishing!

Overall today was a bit of a challenge with the cold front and wind direction but it all worked out in the end. Everyone caught fish and had a great time just being out! Oh yeah, Mohammad and his gang swam for the last half hour as usual and the yearly tradition continues! Great day for fishing!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation