Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Mathew brought his sons along today, for a great morning of fishing! Michael, Juliano & Luca were eager to get a line in the water as we left the dock and eagerly anticipated their first bite. What was supposed to be a full day trip, scheduled for the following day was changed to today for a couple of reasons. Weather definitely played into it as an all-day rain and possible electrical storms were predicted. Also I had a client that booked on line who had never returned any calls or messages. This group was happy to change, even if it was only for a half day!

I made a long run to an area that I expected quick bites and wasn’t disappointed. It didn’t take long after a quick instruction on how to fish the baits, before the first fish was landed. Unfortunately there were more fish being missed than landed, before they started getting fish to the net. I think that they landed about 10% of the possible bites! Fortunately there were still many fish caught before I made another move.

Our next stop had quick bites as well and there were even a couple of nice walleye caught from here that immediately went in the livewell. Someone was going to be eating well tonight! Along with these tasty treats, many smallies were caught as well before we made an even longer run to try another spot. We spent a little longer here, targeting smallies before I decided to go for something much larger. They were about to land the largest fish of their lives!

I slid out to deeper water and began marking exactly what I was looking for and it didn’t take long before Mathew was tight to a good sturgeon. This time I was ready and had all the necessary equipment to get the job done! After about 5 minutes of battling this beast, Mathew was finally able to bring it to net. A few quick pics later and a release and we were set up for more. It didn’t take long for the second fish to hit and Mathew once again battled an even larger fish. Jumps were spectacular and the runs were even better as he brought another dinosaur in for more pics.

After the release we set up in hopes of one more and weren’t disappointed. This time however, Michael took the rod, with a little help from his dad and took a beating. They tag teamed the sturgeon and eventually put it in the boat for more pics. I don’t think they were expecting to finish off a half day trip with fish this big! All I know is that they will be talking about this day for a long time. At least until the next time when they’re back for more and I’m sure they will be! Great day for fishing!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation