Guided Fishing!
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It’s been a few years since I was able to fish into December, but today I broke that bad luck. Val and I headed on the water around 9:00 in hopes of getting into a good walleye bite. If the past couple of outings were an indication of how things would go, we were going to have a great day!

The winds were almost non-existent but forecasted to blow big from the SE later in the day. I only hoped that they would hold out long enough to allow us to fish thoroughly.

We started out with a dropshot rig and although the bite was slow, Val did manage to land a good one. His starter fish proved to be way over the slot and made for a good pic! Val was hoping to take a few fish home with him and despite the first eye, I was pretty sure he would get his wish.

We fished slowly with the bite being the same and managed several more big fish as well as a few high end keepers. He would be enjoying fresh fish tonight!

Conditions were constantly changing this morning with early sunshine giving way to heavy clouds, followed by thick fog. We were now fishing the area and couldn’t see anything! Add to this a wind from the SW and it was easy to get turned around! Thankfully I was in the anchor mode on the electric and with the aid of the GPS, knew exactly where to cast. This fog lasted quite a while and despite the inconvenience, we still managed to boat several more fish.

I had wanted to cover more water and decided to try a little trolling in this heavy fog. Once positioned, it didn’t take long before we were doubled up. From this point on, fish after fish came aboard! Some were released but a few others went into the tank for Val’s limit. Just to add to the conditions, Mother Nature decided to throw in a little rain for our fishing pleasure. It didn’t matter though, as we were catching walleye! Bring it on biotch!

We continued trolling the area for a while and managed to get into several more fish before going back to the drop shot. Things had slowed down considerably and the bite had as well. By working a different depth we were able to keep catching more fish and cull up a couple of Val’s smaller eyes in the well. He would be going home with a great limit today!

I hoped to be able to fish most of the day and amazingly we had. The big SE winds that were predicted never really arrived! We ended the day shortly after 3:00 on a last cast catch by Val. He managed to land one of the largest walleye of the day and one more pic was taken. We had skipped over so many good fish throughout the day due to the rain, but this one deserved the Kodak moment! We definitely ended on a high!

At this time of the year, you never know if it’s the last day or not for fishing. Mother Nature has a way of shutting you down anytime she feels like. If this was the last day out, so be it! We ended on a high and Val fished later than he had ever done before. I on the other hand would love to get back out again, knowing how the fishing can be. Hopefully there’s at least one more outing in the calendar year for me before the hard water arrives. Crossing my fingers and maybe even my toes that it will happen!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation