Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Scott was back again today with Chris & Ian and hoping for a musky. We would be spending the entire day in pursuit of a big old toothy critter. The question was, would it work? Only time would tell!

I covered plenty of water throughout the morning and afternoon but we never had a touch. Bait changes as well as locations all proved to be ineffective. With about 30 minutes remaining in the day, they asked to fish for something other than musky and I obliged. We were close to an area that I was sure they would get bit!

Chris was tight to a fish on his first cast and brought a nice walleye to the net soon after. They were all dropshotting and had equal chances of hooking up. Ian was probably the newest at this technique and was soon into a fish of his own. As it turned out, this was a large walleye that turned out to be his personal best. At the same time, Chris was once again locked up and managed to bring a high end keeper into the boat for Ian. He was hoping to bring a couple of fish home for dinner and we needed another. I decided to take a few casts as well to see if I could help out and was immediately tight to a heavy fish. Although it wasn’t in the slot, it was a healthy, fat walleye and quickly released after the fight.

With only a few more minutes to go before we had to depart, Scott also hooked into a fish. His fight was a little different than all the others and once at the boat, I realized why. Instead of a walleye, it was a nice smallie and worthy of a pic before being returned to the water. Several casts later, Chris came through with the final fish of the day and added a second keeper to the box. We were officially done!

The musky fishing may not have been what we had hoped for but we did salvage the day! With very little time remaining, I somehow managed to put them on catchable fish. At least everyone had their turn at a bent rod and Ian would be having fresh fish for dinner tonight! I only wish we had of switched up sooner as there’s no telling how many fish they could have landed! Gotta love Musky!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation