Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation

Darren & I headed out this morning in search of the big eyes. Not the tuna kind but rather the walters that inhabit all of our local waters. These golden slabs have been abundant lately and we were hoping to get into some good ones today!

We began with a troll and although our first bite didn’t come quickly, it wasn’t really long before we were locked up. A nice 22 incher made its way into the net only to be released soon after. Not a bad starter fish! I wasn’t marking much but had the confidence to follow the breakline, knowing that we would see more.

The second walleye hit quicker that the first and it was even bigger! We were covering water and apparently finding only the large ones by using this technique. After a few quick pics, this one was also returned to fight another day!

The area we were trying to fish had another boat and I decided to move away so as not to educate them. We continued our troll much further away, hoping that they would get fed up and leave soon. Right on cue, the winds began and they packed it up and left! I quickly moved back to where I needed to be but this time we switched to a drop shot set up instead. By spot locking I was able to keep Darren on the fish and he put a beating on them! We remained in the area for a couple of hours and plenty more fish came aboard. Both high end keepers as well as the big ones!

Sometime around midday we encountered a slow period and I decided to try the trolling once again. I used the side scan and realized quickly that we were near fish. Our first sign was a double header consisting of a good walleye and a nice smallie! After this, I began to refine the area and one fish after the other came aboard. We kept at this for as long as it lasted and boated many more quality eyes!

With time getting on I thought we’d finish the day off with a little more dropshotting. Apparently it proved to be the right decision as over a half dozen walleye made their way into the net, along with another decent smallie.

Today was a perfect example of what the fall walleye fishing should be like. We managed to stay on the fish all day and with minor adjustments, boated plenty of fish. Hopefully the mild weather will hold out a little longer so that I can get back on the fish again. Unfortunately with the high winds forecasted for this week, it may be difficult! With any luck the weather guys will be wrong and I will get one more kick at the can before the hard water season begins! Crossing my fingers for good conditions!

Guided Fishing!
Make a reservation