Guided Fishing!
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Well, back out again soon, just didn’t happen as quickly as I had hoped! After over 2 weeks of not being on the water due to the conditions, Val & I were finally able to give it another try. This time we were fishing in much warmer temps and little to no wind. Would the fish still bite?

We hit the water at 10:30 for Val’s half day trip and were fishing not long after. I had decided to try a little trolling to see what was going on and we were quickly into a good fish. Val managed to bring a fat walleye into the boat that was returned after a couple of pics. This was going to be a great day!

Well we trolled for quite a while before our next bite but it was worth the wait as Val brought another good over to the net once again. We may not have been seeing tons of action but the fish that were being caught were definitely good ones!

I eventually stopped on one of the waypoints I had to try a little drop shotting. We were in an area that held fish and I wanted to see if we could catch a few more by fishing slower. Right on cue, I had a heavy fish on the line but unfortunately it just came unhooked on the way to the boat. Val on the other hand managed to get bit and landed a good high end keeper that made its way into the well for dinner tonight.

We had spent most of our time with the dropshot technique today and it definitely paid off. Several more quality fish were landed and released in the time we remained. Unfortunately there was only one other walleye that was small enough to keep and it joined its friend in the tank as well. The remainder of the fish were all too big but really nice quality eyes! They were definitely feeding up for the winter with the bellies they had!

Today was an excellent weather day, but I only wish there was a little more action. Plenty of fish were landed despite all the missed strikes and light hits. Val even managed to catch a bonus smallie from the same area that we should have photographed. It was a pale bass but still a good one too! Overall a successful outing that proved to be a painless one with the great weather we received. Hopefully there’ll be a few more good days left in this season too!

Guided Fishing!
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